By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “And good morning to me”
  1. Am getting a good smile every time I read about your cold posts. Hope you can get a nice pot bellied stove and good chair to enjoy it nothing beats a fire on a crisp morning.

  2. I went to Michigan State University. Around Easter there was the touch football game behind Shaw Hall. Played in sneakers and bathing suits. Generally the ground was cold enough that the snow didn’t melt and turn the field into mud.

    The girls would set out their reclining lawn chairs in the calm area under Hubbard Hall and sun bath. I never saw them have any problems with the snow melting under them.

    I remember my friends laughing at pictures they brought back from sitting break in Florida. Then in bathing suits, think Speedos and bikinis,. With natives in the background on the beach.

    The natives were wearing parkas.

    In a year or so, sub freezing will be no big deal.

    1. Reminds me of an advertising poster for the ski resort in Taos, NM. It showed a lovely looking young lady wearing ski boots and a bikini.

      1. Exactly. When you have spent the last 6 months playing the game “Is it male or female” when looking at somebody walking 10 ft in front of you, it is sort of nice to be in a situation where there is no doubt.

  3. This morning here in southern NH it was 30F outside, and on our morning walk we met the neighbor, out walking his dog as he does every day. He is still going out in shorts; it isn’t cold enough yet to warrant slacks.

  4. Life Below Zero too much?

    Nope Miguel, not too much.

    From time to time, this latitude will sneak up behind you and frost bite you in the seat of the pants.

  5. I once flew from Maracaibo, Venezuela, high 80s to Minneapolis MN in January ~-5f in one sitting. It sucked.

    1. I ran a team rig for five years running Houston to Minneapolis, twice a week. Summertime wasn’t bad, wintertime was something. T-shirt’s in Houston, drive to Kansas and it’s cold. Lay down for my break and wake up buried in snow in Minneapolis. Then come home in reverse.

  6. When you wrote that, it was 39°F here, a bit east of Knoxville.
    A day later, it’s 30°F and quite foggy. Glad I’m not trying to go anywhere this morning.
    Must be that climate summit bringing on the cold weather.

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