By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

18 thoughts on “And how are they gonna get their kombucha and Kale delivered? Oregon to ban Diesel.”
  1. Let’s hope it passes. It would be good for these morons finally to see some real consequences.

  2. It will probably pass.

    Once again, confirming that leftists are really just big toddlers. Not a single thought that their great idea might have unintended consequences. instant gratification is what matters, nothing else.

    Right now, it looks like a fabulous idea to ban motor vehicle diesel, so they will. Then they will likely pass some law subsidizing electric power trucks. And, so on until people start to flee the state because it costs too much to live there.

  3. One of the things wealthy & privileged people like to do is live in a way that openly denies reality. Which can work up to a point, then the money runs out and reality kicks them in the kiwis.

  4. No, that is not satire. HB 3305 is a real bill filed in the Oregon Legislature.

    This bill would effectively end trucking in Oregon. Possibly trains, too (if trains are considered “motor vehicles”). Potentially, all movement of goods in quantities bigger than a box truck (which are usually gas-powered).

    For all the complaints about semis clogging the highways, what will the highways look like when the only allowed vehicles are 1/3 to 1/2 the size, requiring at least 2-3 times as many smaller trucks to move the same amount of goods?

    The real question is, does this also affect tractors and combines used in farming and agriculture, or will that equipment — which doesn’t operate on public roads — be exempt?

    Silly question — they’re not that nuanced. Welcome to the end of commercial farming; all agriculture from here on will be small-scale, subsistence farming.

    Ending trucking and goods shipment suddenly isn’t so bad when there’s nothing to ship.

    The starvation of the inner cities, though….

    1. Either the state legislature will come to it’s senses or there will be a huge increase in sales of diesel from retail/wholesale outlets outside the state which will have to be transported across state lines to be delivered to the customer. This will be a pain in the ass for farmers, ranchers, truck drivers and any other user of a diesel powered truck or car…It IS doable though. I used to deliver fuel to customers with their own tanks….and I can see a lot of people buying 500 gallon diesel tanks for their own use…But it’ll drive up the price of diesel within the state something fierce too….just what the leftists want. There is a way to get around it though….Note that home fuel oil is literally diesel fuel…There could be an increase in sales of home heating oil to homes that don’t use fuel oil to heat their houses….into that 500 gallon tank around back of the barn. And in many states, that fuel oil does not have the extra “highway” tax that on-road diesel does have….hmmmm.

  5. They are going to have a tough time getting ships and fishing boats there if it is illegal to sell diesel. Does Greyhound have electric buses? Maybe they will ban aircraft fuel next. I guess they can all move back to Kalipornia.

    1. True enough as boats and ships are technically “motor vehicles”. Or if they find an exemption for that, I imagine there will be an underground market for “marine diesel”. As for aircraft, jets use a refined version of kerosine which is not covered in this little bit of insanity.

  6. From the text, motor vehicle here means a ‘self propelled vehicle operated on the highway’ with an exception some farm equipment.

    Still, its dumb to begin with and a slippery slope. I figure these people have lots of bright ideas crammed in their sleeves.

  7. Once again, this entire state is going to get fucked in the ass (without even the courtesy of a reach around) because of something that appeals to the people of Portland and her suburbs.

    Screw the farmers, screw the ranchers, and screw the shipyards…

    1. “Good and hard”, as old HL used to say. It’s a shame that stupid policies like this can’t just affect those who voted for them.

    2. “reach around”, eh? šŸ™‚

      As you might expect, this bill bans fossil fuel diesel but allows “biodiesel”. So I guess truckers will have to fill their trucks with peanut oil, like 1970s hippies.

  8. This looks like a classic example of weaponized legislation to screw your opponents. Republicans drive diesel pickups so ban diesel out of spite. I’m sure no on is surprised that Rep. Karin Power’s district is in Portland.

  9. No government owned diesel trucks?

    Good luck getting the roads and highways plowed in winter.

    Or repaved and repaired anytime.

    Please, please pass this bill!!!!

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