Since Thanksgivings is coming soon and the cold is playing with my metabolism (making me frigging hungry), my body and I have decided to call off the crusade for weight loss and sign off a peace treaty. I wanted to reach the 220 pounds (100 kilos) mark, but the body has been ornery and I have been stuck in 225-224 for the past 3 weeks.
The deal is to maintain the 225 +/- 2 pounds from now on and I don’t starve myself trying to go lower. I know I am still a good 40 pounds above what the doctors’ charts recommend, but screw it the doctors as they keep moving goalposts.
All in all, I can’t call a loss of 175 pounds but a good victory.
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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “And I am done with the official dieting.”
  1. Ya lost a whole person’s worth of weight good on ya!

    Aye winter is coming have to have some calories to keep warm and protect your joints. Best start splitting some firewood to get in prime winter shape.

  2. Want to loose weight? Go sleeveless in winter. It’s crazy how much energy the body burns to keep warm.

    On the downside: When it gets warmer the body may be compelled to add some fat reserves 😀

  3. If you really feel the need to go lower, you can always start your diet again after the holidays. And there is nothing wrong with stopping at this plateau for a while.

  4. Congrats on achieving terrific results! Congrats on maintaining tremendous self-discipline in the middle of the sh*t-storm of 2021!

  5. Congrats, I went from 320 to 250 a few years back, after Christmas I need to get back to eating right as I’ve crept back up to 270 over the last few years.

  6. Give your body a while to acclimate at your new weight. After a few months it will be easier to resume your weight loss if you so desire. It is normal to plateau when losing significant amounts of weight. Been down that road. maxed at 450 lbs. Currently 180 lbs.

    The pauses also help your body to regain muscle tone and allows the skin to somewhat recover from being stretched. It’s amazing that the loose skin can recover as much as it does. Still, be prepared to have some loose skin in the abdomen, upper arms, and thighs from now on unless you have surgery to fix it. Not worth the surgery for me.

  7. You did an awesome job and you are done. MAYBE 365 days from today you could think about a restart but if you hold steady for a year that seems like a really good idea.

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