New York’s Monroe County has released from prison eight registered sex offenders — including three convicted of child rape — to stop the spread of the coronavirus, according to a report Tuesday.

The released inmates were registered as Level 3 sex offenders, meaning they have been deemed by a court as most likely to re-offend, reported WIVB News in Buffalo, New York.

Monroe County released more than 50 prisoners on Saturday to prevent a coronavirus outbreak among the prison population.

Three convicted child rapists released from N.Y. prison during coronavirus outbreak: Report

Please Lord, tell me this was cause by bribery or extorsion and not just plain stupidity.

The inmates are said to be staying at a Holiday Inn Express in Greece, New York, according to WIVB.

It is stupidity. At this rate, we are going to need to throw a wall around the frigging state and start yelling THUNDERDOME!

Be right back, I need coffee.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “And I read this without coffee.”
  1. Hanlon’s razor applies.

    The sad thing is the idiots who approved this cannot be charged as accessories to subsequent crimes.

  2. This makes perfect sense. How else are they going to make cell space for non-mask-wearing, outside-walking, evil scofflaw-potential murderers?

  3. I expect more sense from Upstate New York, but I guess Rochester (Monroe County) has been infected with downstate stupid.

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