Atlanta Police warned CBS46 and other news outlets that there is a group of armed people surrounding the Wendy’s and they are forcing white people out.

Video posted to social media over the weekend shows a crowd of people surrounding a police officer near the Wendy’s telling him to get out of the area.

“Go home. He looks like you. No white cops,” a person told police.

“Get your white face out of here,” another person told police.

CBS46 was advised not to send white reporters and photographers to the area.

“It’s not safe for no white people out here,” a person told police.

Police warn armed people surround Wendy’s, forcing white people out

I don’t know if laugh at these idiots or feel pity for Civil Rights champions.

The irony of segregating themselves into an area cannot be understated. But there is a silver lining in the clouds: At least we know where the assholes gather in the wild.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “And now we have a No-Go Zone in Atlanta”
  1. What would the police response be if the KKK were doing the exact same thing? When you are done saying that, explain to me what white privilege is.

  2. They tried in Portlandia and the Swamp. Doubt this one will fair any better.

    I’m actually surprised the one in Portlandia failed so quickly, given that state’s government history of ass-kissing the progtards.

    1. The cops have walked off the job in Atlanta. I don’t think there is a single cop in that city that would be willing to put there life and livelihood on the line for the city.

    2. The Portland one failed for one simple reason, they tried building the zone around the mayor’s home. If they didn’t try and invert their power sharing agreement like that, and built it just about anywhere else, they would have been allowed by the Portland Politburo.

      1. And the one in DC failed because the Federal government has final control over DC. The mayor gets her say only by courtesy. And Trump understands this.

  3. So… what are we going to call this one?
    WOP? (Wendys Official/Occupy Protest)
    WOZ? (Wendy’s Occupied Zone?)
    WAZ? (Wendy’s Autonomous Zone?)
    AWAZ? Atlanta Wendy’s whatever….

  4. Pick up the book ‘Troubled Waters’ about race riots on an aircraft carrier in 1972. One of the things that exacerbated it was self imposed segregation.

  5. Georgia appears to be a no-duty-to-retreat state. (2010 Georgia Code § 16-3-23.1)

    This could play out very badly for the “protesters” if they start physically bullying the wrong person.

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