It has come too late for Epstein and for Weinstein, but with Liberals freaking out about the accusations against Biden, it is now necessary to dismiss sexual attacks and dismiss women and this is the opinion piece to set things straight.

Dear God almighty, how sick are these people?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “And once again rape is “chic” among Liberals”
  1. A woman, with no corroboration beyond contemporaneous accounts, charges a powerful man with a decades-old crime? Hmm, doesn’t that sound mighty close to Christine Blasey Ford’s complaint against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh? …

    Cristine Blasey Ford had no contemporaneous accounts corroborating her accusation, but that doesn’t mater to the mob shouting you must believe her. Tara Reede does in fact have contemporaneous accounts corroborating her accusation, but that doesn’t matter. No hypocrisy there, annnd somehow it’s Fox News’ and Trump’s fault that they’re perceived as hypocrites.

  2. It was an infallible brickbat when they used it against us. Now that it’s backfiring it’s a right wing trap.

  3. It is the magic of selective language. “It depends what the meaning of ‘is’ is.”

    In this case, the argument is that they never *said* “Believe _ALL_ Women”, they said “Believe Women”. Since they didn’t say “ALL” but right wing commentators just “inserted” it there, it is a right wing straw man argument.

    At the time, we all knew that the word “all” was there, even if it wasn’t being said out loud. And if you listened to the commentators, you quickly got the impression that regardless of what a woman said, you had to listen and believe.

    So now they want to but an “asterisk” on the statement. They didn’t mean ALL women, it just happens that they meant believe the women that are saying bad things about Trump or Kavanaugh.

  4. Apparently “every” cannot be construed as a possible synonym for “all”. And isn’t convenient that the author only mentions usage of the exact phrase on social media but not any use of the term in the media? They constantly use the excuse of vagueness to get out of accountability for their inflammatory words. Like when Hillary Clinton called that one female DNC candidate a Russian asset. When confronted Hillary blew it off because she didn’t actually use the candidate’s name even though the conversation was clearly about said candidate.

  5. TLDR.
    Blah blah blah blah…
    That’s not what it was, it was really this something else!
    Blah blah blah blah…

  6. So I guess AOC and the rest of “The Squad”, Linda Sarsour, Alyssa Milano, Mika Brzezinski, and every other person who authored or supported the “MeToo” and “BelieveWomen” movements have all been outed as right-wing agents provacateur embedded in the Democrat party, huh?

    Good to know. 😉

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