He doesn’t know all the details because he hasn’t been told what they are yet, but once the Progressives put together their wishlist, he’ll sign an EO to make it happen.


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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “And so it begins, here he comes after your AR”
  1. They can pass whatever orders or laws they want. Until they can figure out how to magically make roughly 400,000,000 guns disappear, none of those laws will mean a thing.

  2. Didn’t really enjoy shooting my ARs so I sold them a while ago. No, I didn’t keep the name and address of the person I sold them to, was not a requirement.

    And, no, you cannot come in without a warrant, officer.

    1. What if a person purchased an AR-15 years ago, and decided they couldn’t bear the awful responsibility of owning such a mean looking firearm, and melted it down in a backyard fire? This destruction could have occurred 10 or 15 years ago. How could that person have known proof of destruction would be demanded by a hostile government years later? Will this person be arrested? “We know you still have it!!” How would they know? Would he be convicted? What if this scenario played out thousands of times?

      1. Yes. Of course this and nothing else is the actual reason for “universal background checks”. The claimed reasons for it are merely malicious lies.

        It would have to be combined, as is often done in the proposals floated around, with a requirement to report loss to the authorities. That would defeat the “tragic boating accident” argument.

        “A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie.” — attributed to Lenin

        1. I agree. However, the 400 millions guns already out there (give or take an extra 100 million) make future universal background check registration largely meaningless. Don’t mistake my pragmatism for optimism here, but it’s far too late to do any type of mass registration of even confiscation.

          1. That won’t stop them trying, step by step:
            1. require background checks (done)
            2. require universal background checks
            3. require background checks to be registered to allow enforcing #2
            4. require loss to be reported to fix the loophole in registry #3
            5. require currently-owned weapons to be registered to allow enforcing #4

            6. confiscate all registered firearms.

            Step 1 of course is the current background check system, the camel’s nose. The other steps are the rest of the camel. Every one of these has already been proposed by Democratic lawmakers.

  3. And when Biden signs an executive order banning the sale, possession and ownership of all semi-auto firearms and magazines with mandatory turn in the Supreme Court will not hear the case.

    Biden: I hereby sign an executive order banning the sale, possession and ownership of all semi-automatic firearms, magazines holding more than 5 rounds. All must be turned into the government in X amount of days.

    SCOTUS: We see no problem here.

    Biden: I hereby sign an executive order deploying the United States military to go door to door of every home in the United States to confiscate all of these guns.

    SCOTUS: That’s fine.

    Biden: I hereby sign an executive order banning the ownership of all private gun ownership. The full force of the United States citizen states military will be use the confiscate all guns by force and we mandate all United States citizen states citizens that possess guns are to be executed without trial.

    SCOTUS: We fully agree.

    Biden: I hereby sign an executive order mandating the complete and total extermination of the entire United States population that possess firearms along with the extermination of the entire United States population that resists.

    SCOTUS: the executive branch has the full constitutional authority to mandate the complete and total extermination of the entire United States population up to and including the extermination of the entire population of the United States. We feel that the best course of action for the United States is the extermination of all human life in the United States. However special care must be taken to spare thosr in the United States that are not actual United States citizens.

    1. 10 years ago I would have laughed at many of your posts. Nowadays, I’m inclined to think that some of your scenarios are plausible, at least in another decade or two. Biden will be long gone before things get as bad as you have written. But I also can’t say it won’t ever happen, at least not anymore.

  4. Remember. Everything Hitler, Mao, Stalin did was perfectly “legal” on paper. Now we’re seeing first hand exactly the type of people who not only want these kinds of murderous dictates, but will actively push for and enforce them. We’ve never been closer to shooting each other since the civil war.

  5. Fortunately, presidential executive orders only affect federal agencies. Yes, the way a federal agency affects citizens can be adjusted by the president, however, the President cannot change or make laws…yet.

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