And here is the relevant snip:


An executive order.

This is how the Second Amendment dies, with an executive order.


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By J. Kb

19 thoughts on “And so it begins with an EO”
  1. I thought that I understood that an Executive Order cannot change or eliminate anything in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

    1. I always thought a law could not countermand the Constitution or the Bill of Rights either….So why do we have the “National Firearm Act” of 1934?

  2. Not that they don’t have fantasies of trying some sort of EO horseshit ( on what, or how they think such would do much of anything) , but what you read was SOP -Standard Operation Psaki- an artform of yakking without really saying anything.

  3. Who knows how far China Joe can get with EOs or Congress with passing any bills. We may have to rely on 2A sanctuary states and/or counties. County sheriffs could be the last stand for constitutional rights. Hopefully you are lucky enough to live where one understands individual rights.

  4. Think back to the primary season – back before we got rid of the orange dictator. One rather unpopular candidate by name of Kamala (pronounced “Cartagia”) Harris proclaimed that she’d give Congress 100 days (or whatever) to pass a slew of new gun laws, and if Congress didn’t act, she’d enact those laws by Imperial Decree. Because that’s totally not dictatorial or anything.
    Properly speaking, an EO not only can’t change the laws, it’s only binding on the Executive Branch, not on random citizens; alas, this concept gets lost whenever there’s a Deimocrat in the Oval Office. (Yes, Deimocrat, from Deimos, the god of dread and terror.)

      1. Back in 2016, I had her identified as a particularly dangerous dictator-wannabee. During the primary, when I unavoidably started seeing video clips of her… that giggling? Who’s that remind me of?
        Then it hit me. And I reviewed selected episodes of B5, and there’s a heck of a lot in there that seems downright prophetic, or at least timeless.
        Also, that Psi Cop from “A Spider in the Web” seems to be the Press Secretary now.

      1. So the referral to the “orange dictator” was sarcasm?
        Well, it reflects what people around me (back in California, before the move) were saying. Somehow, they could never point to anything dictatorial that he’d actually done or attempted… and they always seemed to favor candidates who promised to be actual dictators, as long as they promised to do Stuff We Favor. But Trump was a dictator, fer sure, and we needed a powerful new ruler to Restore Our Democracy and undo the damage he’d supposedly done (which damage mainly seemed to involve slightly weakening the central government).

  5. Yawn……. another dem screamin from the gallery about “safer guns and safer bullets”…..

  6. I disagree with: “This is how the Second Amendment dies, with an executive order.”

    That’s how citizens will die. This is how America fractures. My family tree has too many branches cut short following gun control in a country once a haven for Jews. Not going to die unarmed. I am sure others have equally important reasons to have the 2A their red line in the sand.

    Hopefully, this is all posturing by Slow Joe and his Ho, Hopefully.

    1. Joe has nothing to do with this. He’s the figurehead who will be blamed for all of this while the puppet master (I strongly suspect it’s actually being run by Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama) who will be held blameless for the ultimate collapse of the country…Harris will be his stand in when Joe is too bad off mentally to be used anymore as that figurehead. Both will go down in history as the worst presidents of the 21st Century.

    1. Some already are. Those who are overt about it will be caught and destroyed as enemies of the Union…It’s also known as a revolution.

  7. I cannot predict the future of the Second Amendment, but an EO to attempt its destruction, accompanied by whatever enforcement the government tries, seems like a pretty good way to get Civil War II off to a healthy start.

    1. We never have had a civil war. That thing back in the 1860s was another failed revolution…THIS however will be a civil war for the record books.

  8. This is how nullification starts.

    I can see my state flat out nullifying this, and then starting to nullify any executive orders.

    Gotta start somewhere.

    1. Also remember jury nullification, which goes back 1000 years and has a proud history in the USA in the defense of civil rights.

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