From the New York Post:

Federal judge spares meth dealer from jail, cites coronavirus

Coronavirus may have spared an accused meth dealer from spending time behind bars for failing his drug tests.

On Thursday, federal Magistrate Judge James Orenstein said that one month ago it would have been a “relatively easy call” to send Rasedur Raihan to the Metropolitan Detention Center for violating his home detention for a string of failed drug tests and blown treatment dates.

But Orenstein denied a federal prosecutor’s motion to detain Raihan and said that packing more people into Brooklyn’s MDC while the COVID-19 outbreak rages on could increase the “risk to the community.”

It is official: COVIT-19 is now a “get out of jail free” card.

Officials and lawyers have in recent days raised alarms on the havoc that coronavirus could wreak on the 1,600-inmate MDC and other jails — what David Patton of the Federal Defenders of New York called a “nightmare waiting to happen” in an interview with Gothamist.

No, the nightmare is cities opening the doors to their jails and prisons letting the criminals know that the city priorities their health and wellbeing over that of the citizens that they hurt which caused them to be put into prison in the first place.

Does anyone honestly believe that the guy who robbed a liquor store is going to socially distance himself when he’s let out?  It’s more likely that he’s going to rob a bunch more liquor stores or commit some other crime.

We know this because this has been the result of NYC bail reform law.  Now it seems that it’s not just going to be applied to those awaiting trial, but those who have already been convicted as well.

Welcome to New York City, where if you own a bar and keep it open during the outbreak you will be arrested, but if you rob that bar at gunpoint, you will go free.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “And so the Coronavirus Purge begins in NYC”
  1. If you rob the bar at gunpoint, when the cops get there the first thing they’ll do is close the bar, first during the investigation, then indefinitely, just on GP. So the bar robber is doing the community a service by forcing social distancing and preventing the spread of The Virus That Dare Not Say Its Name.
    Don’t you understand anything?

  2. In 2010 when some 60+ million US residents were infected with the H1N1 virus were we letting criminals go free? I do not recall that.

    Help me out here.

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