And we have an official announcement:

That logo is worth every cent of the $200 low ball offer to a top tier designer to be done in a couple of hours.

Two fonts and an emoticon.  Holy shit.  Like this is something out of a comedy where the big reveal falls flat, except this is not a comedy.

But it is so much worse.  GoodPillow has no product or even a scalable manufacturing source, but they have a social media account.

Did I just get #MeeToo by a fucking pillow?

Yes, it will.  In the same chapter as Theranos, Juicero, and Fisker Automotive.


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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “And Spite Pillow Inc. is officially Good Pillow”
  1. They’re so stupid they can’t even come up with an original name.

    They’ll be out of business in a matter of a few months – at most.
    And -to put it bluntly- IDGAF how many twitter followers you have. What matters in successful business is product sales. If their claim to fame is twitter, they’re virtue signaling.

    They had to use the URL, because was taken by another pillow company with manufacture in Lithuania a few years ago.

    Someone that merely hears about the company without getting the URL directly off twitter will go to the .com site and either buy from them, or seeing that the purported “made in the U.S.A.” isn’t will not realize they are not on the fuzzball brain’s site.

    Oh and a good troll is to sign up for sales, but then don’t order when contacted.

  2. Wow, a Colombian URL because the real one is already taken. And what people in the business call “ransom note typography” for their logo.
    When I started a new company two decades ago, one of the first tasks was to ensure the URL was available. We actually bought it (from the owner of a company that had closed down but hadn’t suffered any bad PR). And I did the logo — all in a single typeface, no smileys.

  3. So far, a lot of words, no action.

    And, they think this will be taught in business schools???

    Overly optimistic enthusiasm is not a winning business plan. Why would a professor (regardless of how woke that professor is) want to use this company as an example?

    1. “…regardless of how woke…” — that’s a point, all right. It may well be that Political Correctness will require these people to be praised in all the most up to date politically correct schools, just as warmism parasites are.

      I suppose you could use that as an IQ test. If a school you might attend teaches these people as a good example, run away, run away fast. But if the school either ignores them or teaches them as a cautionary tale, they are worth considering.

  4. I’m really enjoying your coverage of this saga(?) dramedy(?).

    I’m also laughing at how “humble” they are.

  5. … #1 topic on Twitter … literally surpassing ex-POTUS

    Well, Twitter deleted his accounts, sooo….

    That’s kind of like claiming your Olympic gold medal after you bribe the officials to disqualify, eject, and pop a .45 slug into the kneecaps of all the other competitors right before the race starts. Sure, you’re “#1”, but not because you’re any good.

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