It could not happen to a bigger asshole:

Page Six reports – The coronavirus dealt a massive blow to the actor’s finances, he revealed in court, as his estranged wife asked for an emergency order to raise her monthly American Express card credit limit from $50,000 to $100,000.

The “The Irishman” actor appeared on a Skype call in his Manhattan divorce case with Grace Hightower as her lawyer told a judge that De Niro unfairly cut her monthly AmEx allowance from $100,000 to $50,000 and said she and their children had been banned from an upstate compound where De Niro is staying during the pandemic.
De Niro’s lawyer, Caroline Krauss, told the judge that Nobu lost $3 million in April and another $1.87 million in May. And he had to pay investors $500,000 on a capital call, which he borrowed money from his business partners to make, “because he doesn’t have the cash,” Krauss said.

BREAKING: “I’d Like To Punch Trump In The Face” Actor Robert De Niro Is Running Out Of Money

Well, he can start selling all the stuff he own, starting with that compound in upstate NY (How come he is not in NYC? No trust in de Blasio and Cuomo) and I am sure there is plenty memorabilia he can put up in eBay if he needs some fast cash.

He can go broke for all I care.

Hat Tip Rogega

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “And sweet sweet dose of cosmic Karma.”
  1. Struggling on only $50k a month? It’s hard to feel sorry for people who spend more in a month than most people make in a year. How does one spend that much that fast in a time when clubs are closed so $5000 bar tabs,are impossible

  2. Wow. Not just First World Problems.

    First World 1% Problems.

    On her side: When your alimony/child-support allowance gets decreased to $600k per year, and you’re “struggling”…

    On his side: When you make so much that your alimony/child-support allowance (which most states have a statutory cap on the percentage of income) is $1.2 MILLION per year…

    … the complaining on both sides is not going to elicit sympathy. For most “normals”, the opposite will happen: We get pissed off that those who have so much are complaining at all!

    Hey, DeNiro! Go live for five years in Hell’s Kitchen on a barista’s salary, and then we’ll talk.

    Hey, DeNiro’s ex! Go live the life of an inner-city single mother of three whose “baby daddy” is in prison for the next decade for gang hits or drugs, and then you can tell me how terrible your current situation is.

    We “normals” make it work, without the lawyers, millions of dollars, compounds in upstate NY, $100k credit lines, or complaints. Guess what? You could, too, if you weren’t such arrogant, spoiled b!+@#es.

    (Also, if DeNiro wants to punch Trump in the face, please let him try. I’d LOVE to see the Secret Service tackle and Taze his pampered @$$.)

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