President Trump announced with the designation of Antifa as a Terrorist group (and AG Barr officially set things in motion) . And we have heard of the support that this group has from the morons governing Portland to the Joe Biden staff contributing money for their bail.

But this from the ACLU? Sorry, whatever little respect they had left, it went down the drain.

Let me see if you can process this:

Antifa has damaged property both public and private and that is Free Speech.
Antifa has physically attacked others so they cannot express their opinion and that is Free Speech.
They have rioted and set fires on campus so “controversial” speakers cannot give conferences and that is free speech.
Antifa has threatened and injured journalists so they can’t cover what they do and that is Free Speech.

Got it.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “And the ACLU teaches us what is really important: Not you.”
  1. ACLU is for civil liberties? What about MY civil liberties? The inmates are trying to take over the asylum…

  2. So you can’t legally designate a domestic organization as a terrorist organization? Seems to me the KKK has been designated as a domestic terror organization, as have various organizations raising funds for Al Qaida.

  3. Like the UN & WHO, the ACLU has fallen into the same political quagmire that turned the other 2 organizations into toothless lions with despotic tendencies.

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