CSGV AtomicWitnesses said that Terry York, 48, who lived at the residence with his family, was showing a friend the AR-15 rifle when it discharged accidentally. The witness told investigators that a fire and possible explosion ensued instantaneously. The person who witnessed the incident was able to escape the engulfed home, but Terry York and his 12 year-old son Luke had to be pulled out of the burning house.
Two Dead after Explosion, Fire Due Accidental Gun Discharge

Obviously there is more to this than just a discharge. I am thinking either gas or some other petroleum distillates in gaseous forms. Or maybe something altogether sinister. But wait and see the Opposition talking about those now more evil and dangerous “assault weapons” now improved with explosives! Truly insurrectionists Rifles!


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “And the Myth of the Atomic AR begins…”
  1. No such thing as a “ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE”.
    That would be a “CARELESS DISCHARGE”.
    This would happen when a careless idiot hands a loaded weapon to another careless idiot.

  2. LOL, not buying it at all. First of all, the only way a firearm goes off ‘accidentally’ is if someone is unsafe. Secondly, even hitting a gas line wouldn’t cause that kind of explosion. There would have to be an existing, explosive atmosphere (cooking meth, for example).

    1. Even shooting a propane tank (This was on mythbusters I believe) doesn’t cause an explosion, and if memory serves right they had a flare taped to the tank to ensure ignition as the first one shot did nothing buy vent propane into the air.

      My bet is there were explosive fumes in the air before the discharge and the flame from the muzzle ignited them.

  3. Lead and copper, the two most common jackets for bullets, do not spark. In fact, in places where flammable gas is known to be present, special hammers made of copper are used for EXACTLY this reason.

    If a negligent discharge of a firearm caused an explosion, it means (as Flight Doc said) someone prepared explosives ahead of time, in such a way that the bullet impact or muzzle flash could set them off.

  4. That’s one of them there cop killer, teflon coated, incendiary, hollowpoint, Black Talon, dum-dum, armor piercing, Rhino bullets!! ZOMG!!!

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