Overall winner. Category: You Damned Overachiever.
(It couldn’t be just a store or a small location, it had to be a whole state.)
Category: Aurora Shooting Part 2 my ass.
Category: OK, we get United Artist Theaters suck. Beard Rulez!
Category: Lost in the Woods.
OK Gents, please send me a Snail Mail address so I can mail your sticker. Matt gets a couple of extra goodies because damn it, he did good.
And those of you that can actually can count have noticed that there were only 4 winners. Well, that is because there were only four contestants and no women damn it! The remaining sticker will be saved for future contests.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack.
Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA.
I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed.
I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
One thought on “And the winner(s) of the first ever GFZ contest is….”
I thought about entering a pic of me that may or may not exist in front of Wrigley Field carrying a Smith & Wesson….knife, but then I realized that knife was probably banned in Cook County too…..
I thought about entering a pic of me that may or may not exist in front of Wrigley Field carrying a Smith & Wesson….knife, but then I realized that knife was probably banned in Cook County too…..