“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future,”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

New blacklist of ‘Trump sycophants’ inspired by AOC being compiled

Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Socialists Purges Games. I hope your brought enough ammo because it seems we will have plenty targets.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “And they are forcing pressure to flip the switch. (They want you dead)”
  1. With every new day the Leftists in America continue to prove that they are the Fascists who see the actions of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Guaverra not as atrocities but as a roadmap.

    And since they’ve apparently refused to actually learn from history or use any critical thinking they still don’t realize that they’re going to suffer in this shit-storm just like everyone else.

    1. Everyone on NPR this morning is talking about how Biden is the “presumptive” winner in PA, MI, WI & Nevada so they’re calling him President Elect. Even though “presumptive” winner isn’t even a legal term. And a president isn’t elected until the Elector’s actually cast their respective votes.

      Also, they never even brought up the actual details of suspected vote fraud in each of the contested States. Absolutely no mention of the hundreds of thousands of vote showing up after 3am in all of the final contested states 100% for Biden or how chain of custody and normal monitoring procedures were grossly ignored or actively circumvented. Nope just a simple statement that ALL of the “accusations” of fraud had no evidence whatsoever. They just kept using words like “frivolous” and “desperate”.

      It seems obvious they’re conditioning the public by repeating the term President Elect for Biden so if the legal challenges turn out to find real tampering and Trump actually won then they can rile people up claiming that Trump stole it. And the useful idiots will fall for it.

  2. Ammo? Pfft. I bought a new gun! That I have ammo for! And magazines!

    (Okay, I ordered it a couple of days ago. But the process was triggered by similarly inspiring posts from BBWs on the Left.)

    (That’s Big Brother Wannabees, get your mind out of the gutter…)

  3. “The will of the people”??????? If dems followed THAT we wouldnt have all this fraud!! Gawd these people are mentally ill. 73 out of 83 counties in Mich voted for Trump. I think that shows the will of the people.. “say when”…….

  4. Well, the Trump Registry website vanished off the net. I’m sure it’s still being run under cover, but boy howdy talk about tipping your hand.

    I think what really offends me is how clumsy it is. I was still pissed about the Sharpie on ballots trick but I admit, it’s a low tech and clever hack.

    But most of this… it’s so BLATANT. It’s like they’re not even TRYING hard.

    1. They didn’t have to try hard when the media and big tech giants were in their pockets. Not to mention the Obama Judges.

  5. Yep. Us rubes, in Flyover country, will have our faces rubbed in the disdain Our Betters have for us.

    Time for a general strike. Nothing moves, nothing gets produced.

  6. Bili Rubin up there sure shows what she thinks is important in life. Prestige positions, social standing — not actual productive work.

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