I want you to sit down and ponder about this screen capture. Think the level of ignorance that admits having. Not only the ignorance but that is happening on a modern media outlet which touts itself as smart (maybe under very loose and modern terms?) and one which depends on the First Amendment to have an income.
And they do not know how it works.
And they still dare to “teach us” how the rest of the Bill of Rights applies.
And they get mad call us stupid and other named when we laugh and ignore them.
Define “awful” and who gets to make that decision.
That is the very essence of censorship. Some idiot thinks they can squealch the dissenting views.
I think their views on socialism, open borders, and their failure to recognize the threat of islamic terrorism is awful. Can I shut them up?
See how the1st Amendment is brilliant and protects all viewpoints, especially when one is in the minority.
I don’t care if snowflakes get butthurt. The TRUTH is more important than their silly feelings. If I insult a group it is because it is deserved. So grow up.