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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “And this is why I have no personal social media”
  1. And if you tell then to roll their request for information into a convenient shape and shove it up their a**, then what?

  2. If you’re posting it to public view, why does it matter if the police see it along with everyone else?

      1. “It is obvious that it is none of their business to ask.”

        Again, as with the post with the FBI at the front door the other day, they can ask. You are under no obligation, either as a citizen, or an arrestee, to provide that information.

        I would not.

        Unless or until you are in front of a judge, in an adversarial hearing assisted by counsel, and you are ordered to provide that information as determined to be relevant in a court proceeding, you are under no obligation to provide that – or most any – information. Ever.

        In most states, you’re not even required to provide identification unless you are lawfully detained, which means that an officer must have “reasonable suspicion” (a term of art) meaning he has “articulable facts” which lead a “reasonable” officer (and yes, those are terms of art with legal meanings) to believe that a particular crime has been, in being, or is about to be committed. State laws that require identification to be provided absent that (and yes, before anyone asks, a traffic stop suffices for that “reasonable suspicion”), are likely unconstitutional, though I don’t think that precise question has gone to SCOTUS as of yet.

        And yes, I am a lawyer. Practicing criminal law. I’ll be sending you all a bill, as soon as you provide me your social media information . . . . .

    1. With cancel culture, and knowing that Antifa has people on the police force, no possible harm can come from the police knowing the identity and home address of people criticizing Antifa on the Internet.

  3. This is tricky as you can be charged with lying to the police so seems the better option is to exercise your 5th amendment right to silence? What will the test case on this be?

  4. Is lying to the local police a crime? If you file a false police report, that is a crime.

    In my case, it is simple. I do not do social media. In social media, YOU are Not the Customer; YOU are the Product.

    Remember: It is a crime to lie to the feds. That is why you ALWAYS tell the FBI you will have your lawyer contact them for an inerview as soon as you retain a lawyer. If you don’t? What is the worst that can happen? Ask Randy Weaver.

  5. If there are still any criminal court judges in Kali who actually follow the law, and assuming the criminal law in that hellhole of a state still resembles the rest of the country, the defense lawyers will be giving LAPD an enema with that policy. Absent a valid search warrant, unless SM contact info is directly relevant to the reason for the police talking to the person, it seems like a clear Fourth Amendment violation. The courts call that sort of thing a “fishing expedition.”

    1. Can be ordered to open with a physical or biometric key, cannot with an informational key, so passcode your phone. Then make them spend time and money hacking it to see you are not on social media

  6. Remember that Office of Personnel Management data breach a few years back? Where the personal information of pretty much anyone who had a security clearance was stolen? Along with the PI of everyone used as a reference by the clearance holders?

    The advice given to those whose information was stolen, included making sure to set up a Facebook and Twitter account simply to keep someone from using stolen info to set one up using false credentials.

    So … I have social media accounts. But unless they’ve been hijacked, they are as content-free as possible, as I never post anything to them.

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