The Biden administration is considering implementing mandatory coronavirus testing for travelers on U.S. domestic flights.

Dr. Marty Cetron, director for the Division of Global Migration and Quarantine at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told reporters Tuesday that the administration is “actively looking” into imposing the domestic travel testing requirement.

Biden administration considers mandatory COVID-19 tests for domestic air travel, official says | Fox News

Did I call it or what? OK, I sort of called it for Florida as punishment, but the Biden Harris Administration decide to go ahead and screw the airline industry even more.

“We also have to look at the possible planning in domestic travel,” Cetron said. “We’re actively looking at it. We realize that there’s been a dramatic evolution and increase in both testing platforms and testing capacity.”

Why do I have the feeling they are going to have some of those “instant” testing machines at the airports right next to the TSA Fondling area?

“I have business in Atlanta. How long is the flight from Miami?”
“Just under two hours.”
“And how long before the flight I have to be at the airport?”
“With Chink Virus test? Four hours.”
“I’ll drive.”
“You forgot gas went back up to $4 a gallon?”
“And just what I did not want: another Zoom meeting.”
“Let me ask, Who did you vote for?”
“Shut the *** up!”


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “And we have a COVID Bingo! Mandatory Kung-Flu tests for domestic Air Travel may be coming.”
  1. Muslim terrorist and illegal aliens for latin America can enter the country without any restriction, but U.S. citizens can’t fly to grandma’s without a WuFlu test.

  2. So, get one.

    The labs send you a PDF with your results. Anyone with a PDF editor can change the name, date, and results of the PDF.

    Got a bunch of friends that have negative COVID tests for flights they are planning on taking in March already. Just sitting there, waiting. Print a copy of the altered PDF, and e-mail yourself a copy the day before the flight.

    If the check in person at the airline actually reads it, I would be surprised, and I have 100% confidence they would not know whether the test was real or not.

  3. Saw this yesterday and just shook my head. If I’m honest, I’m surprised it took them this long. That said, if that goes through then my one trip for the year to a friend’s wedding in April will be torpedoed unless I want to make a 48hr round trip Cannonball Run-esque drive (not entirely out of the question). If they push this through and the airlines go along with it then I hope they all go bankrupt.

  4. I wonder if this has anything to do with Sandy Cortez’s dream of terminating air travel.
    The WSJ today had an editorial about “Schumer and his Shadow”, discussing about how Schumer has jumped way out to the left, apparently because he’s so afraid of being primaried by AOC.

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