By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “And with that, I bid you good night.”
  1. “Your AR can’t do anything against a modern military with tanks and jets”.

    I wonder how the anti gunners that desire nothing less than the complete and total ban of all private gun ownership in the United States and the full force the United States military to be used to kill every single gun owner in the United States that defies or resist up to and including the complete and total mandated extermination of every single gun owner in the United States along with a complete and total mandated extermination of all human life in the United States in a home with a gun along with a complete and total mandated extermination of the entire United States population that opposes or resists including the literal complete and total extermination of all human life in the United States via nuclear carpet bombing except for themselves and illegals feel about the Ukrainian government and military just giving guns out like that scene from Lord of War.

    It must burn their ass.

  2. “I wonder how the anti gunners that desire nothing less than the complete and total ban of all private gun ownership in the United States and the full force the United States military to be used to kill every single gun owner in the United States that defies or resist up to and including the complete and total mandated extermination of every single gun owner in the United States along with a complete and total mandated extermination of all human life in the United States in a home with a gun along with a complete and total mandated extermination of the entire United States population that opposes or resists including the literal complete and total extermination of all human life in the United States via nuclear carpet bombing except for themselves and illegals feel about the Ukrainian government and military just giving guns out like that scene from Lord of War.”

    Setting aside the sentiments expressed for the moment, I note this is a SINGLE sentence. Without so much as a comma as punctuation to break it up.


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