Esquire published a long and annoying rehash by Dave Holmes of why Gun Owners are stupid, the NRA is evil and the only thing the “normal” people are asking is a bit of compromise that is going to be ruled by the ones that want gun control. Apparently the author seems to be threatened by pissed off and tired Gun Owners that are done taking it sitting down and will not accept confiscation merrily.

He admits he would not mind a gun free society, but he is willing to compromise and he tries to shame us into his side of things with this closing line:

So to that end: let me point out that one hundred percent of mass shootings involve guns. Literally all of them. None of them don’t.

Then, let me point out that 99% of rapes involve a penis. I shall start a movement of Penis Control in which only a total penile confiscation would be the answer, but I am willing to compromise by having Mr. Holmes’ dick cut only 2 inches from the tip. It is a good deal as he gets to keep some of his member, but society is a bit safer that way.

And Mr. Homes, if you don’t agree to cut your dick off, you are a terroristic Pro-Rape  degenerate that has no place in our society.

Hat Tip to Scrappy Cow for the article.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Another Annoying Gun Control Compromise Piece”
  1. Hard to have any shooting without a gun. It is, however, quite easy to have mass murder without a gun.

    1. As far as they’re concerned, violent crime that doesn’t involve guns doesn’t actually happen. Between a stabbing spree that kills 27 and a shooting spree that injures 3, they would say the stabbing one is better because no guns were involved.

      1. My favorite comparison: Gettysburg vs. Cannae.

        Gettysburg: 170,000 combatants, all with firearms, some had cannons. Battle lasted three days. Under 10,000 dead.

        Cannae: 140,000 combatants, no firearms — every weapon powered by human muscle. Battle lasted a single afternoon. Between 70 and 90,000 dead.

  2. (With apologies to Ellen Ripley)

    “I say we take off and nuke Dave Holmes crotch from orbit. It’s the only way to be rid of his toxic masculinity.”


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