Pit bull mauls Portland runner outside vacant lot. She asks: Is Portland safe?

Cheryl Wakerhauser was out on her regular morning run Monday when a dog suddenly sprung from a fenced-off vacant lot along Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard and pushed her to the ground.

The brown pit bull viciously bit into her legs, right arm and back, leaving her with more than 35 puncture wounds.

The next day, after spending five hours in a hospital emergency department, she posted a photo on social media of her bloodied arm riddled with deep, jagged wounds and lambasted the city for not keeping people safe.

The short answer is: no, Portland isn’t safe, but not specifically because of pit bulls.

The reality is that it’s not within the city’s abiloty to keep people safe from loose dogs owned by homeless vagrants.

Yes, the city should do something about the vagrants, but they can’t be everywhere all the time.

You are your first and last line of defense.

Pit bulls are dangerous and a loose one can rip off limbs or even kill.

Carry everwhere and be prepared to shoot a pit bull.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Another case where CCW is appropriate for pit bulls”
  1. THAT right there is whats wrong with stupid people today- she expected everyone ELSE to “keep her safe”. liberals program morons to not be responsible for their actions or be responsible for their safety.
    I would’ve said “welcome to reality honey. Aint nobody gonna keep you safe but you”

  2. When I was training for a half marathon, I was one of two guys in the run group of 6-8 runners running anywhere from 4AM through neighborhoods to 6AM in the local research/industrial park.
    Stuff like this was why I always carried during our runs, even if carrying was a pain on 8-12 mile runs. Usually a Shield or J-frame along with a light and POM pepper spray. Only ever came close to pulling anything out once when we encountered a loose dog. Luckily, it was a husky who was lost and wanted nothing to do with us but it stopped the ladies in their tracks.

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