I caught this Tweet:

I disagree with Mr. Cheong, 129K people didn’t miss the point.  If you read the responses, 100% of the “you go girl” type Tweets are from women.

Feminist pop culture celebrates female psychopaths who prey on men, especially if they are attractive.

There is a whole genre of feminist pop lit which is “I am woman, hear me murder men because I’m a victim.”  I’ve written about some of these before, such as the book turned TV show Dietland, or the book becoming a movie The Power.

You even see this spill over into real life, the way female teachers who sexually abuse their male students are given the gentlest slap on the wrist while male sex offenders are punished for life (as they should be).

This is what happens when your demographic narrative becomes that you are a perpetual victim, your fantasies turn to the murder of your identified oppressor.

The poor Soviets murdered the Kulaks.  The Nazis murdered the Jews.  Now a certain subset of feminists celebrates the murder of men.

The tree of victimhood bears evil fruit.

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By J. Kb