SAN ANTONIO – Cynthia Ruiz, a widow and a single mother, said she collapsed when San Antonio police notified her the next day that her 19-year-old son, Andrew Herrera, had been shot and killed during an attempted robbery.

I am sure she heard for the first time that her little angel, wasn’t.

The botched robbery happened on Dec. 7 at a Popeyes Chicken in the 800 block of Southeast Military Drive.

I reckon Andrew thought that some cash and some Bonafide Chicken to go was just what the doctor ordered.

“Did my son deserve to be punished? Yes, he did,” Ruiz said.

We agree with you ma’am. But I am betting he was not punished at an early age. Doing an armed robbery is not like the flu: you just don’t catch it but grow into it.

Police said Herrera, wearing a hoodie and a mask, entered the South Side restaurant with gun and confronted a man and his family who were eating.

After the man told Herrera he had spent the money he had on their dinner, Herrera turned toward the counter and pointed the gun at one of the workers, who was running away.

Good move.

That’s when the man, who had a concealed handgun license, fired several shots at Herrera.

Damned good move.

Ruiz said she understands the man who shot her son was defending his family, but she asked, “Why shoot him four more times? Why did he shoot him five times?”

Because the gentleman decided five shots was all he needed to stop the threat that Mrs Herrera baby boy represented.

Ruiz said the man had no way of knowing what she later was told by a second suspect, the alleged getaway driver: “The gun wasn’t even loaded.”

Some myths are hard to kill and this one of the “If you use an unloaded gun, t is not armed robbery” is still alive and kicking even though it has proven to be legally hurtful and like in the case of Little Andrew, fatal.

I don’t get why media wants to lionize common criminals and their weeping moms. C’mon, it is not like she did not have her well-funded suspicions about what was he doing!

After that, Ruiz said, she eventually began questioning what he was up to, and why he was bringing home money when he didn’t have a job.
“If you have money from whatever you’re doing, you can take that money and find a place to live,” Ruiz said.

Well, what we get from this event is that somebody played stupid games against a father defending his family and he won a very stupid prize while his mom is no longer getting the income from his bad actions.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Another Grieving Mother of a Dead Criminal.”
  1. 5 shots? Just me, but that sounds like Daddy had a 5 shot revolver and decided that the whole cylinder full was worth it.

    Excellent tactics too.

    After the man told Herrera he had spent the money he had on their dinner, Herrera turned toward the counter and pointed the gun at one of the workers, who was running away.
    That’s when the man, who had a concealed handgun license, fired several shots at Herrera.

    What a subterfuge.
    Just a classic example of not interfering when your enemy is making a mistake.

    That one goes into my instruction book.

  2. Bet the little snow flake was either an aspiring rapper, or just turning his life around. Both activities are, apparently, fatal.

  3. Getting shot during a robbery is not punishment, it’s consequences. The purpose of punishment is correction, to discourage people from actions that have unpleasant consequences. Yes, Mr. Herrera should have been punished, but he never was. And in the end, he suffered consequences. The lesson is simple:


  4. I’ve had it with these wretched parents whining after their piece of shit, thug offspring gets gunned down while trying to violently victimize an innocent person(s). This seems to be a recurring thing, or at least the putrid liberal media seems to be giving more attention to these animals.

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