Here is the video of the attack on him:

He is saying that the Feds are attacking him? Must be one of those Trump gestapo teams snatching people without cause in the middle of the street as they go to church.

Another angle:

Seriously, the guys is … I don’t know what to call it. Even his own words are out there.

Bubba, you have to understand that if you have a camera, you are the enemy. You think you are registering history for future generations and they know those images are also evidence which makes you a potential enemy.
You go on and keep loving these people, right till the moment you end in the nearest ER. But at least have the decency to tell the truth and point out who really attacked you.
I know, my expectations are too high.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Another “I am on your side!” moment.”
  1. Also … These are not gestapo tactics. If they were, Mr Big-Time Independent Journalist would just have disappeare one night, never to be seen or heard from again. There’s a reason secret police have “secret” in the name.

  2. Is there anything we can do to encourage their paranoia?

    Maybe put a Trump Pence bumper sticker on their vehicle?
    Leave them a message to call (blank) at the DHS?

    Most of these people are already unbalanced, otherwise why would they be out there night after night? Feed their insanity, up their paranoia, watch them go.

    Josef Stalin killed more Communists than the Nazis.

    1. Some mad genius already did that at a BLM riot. They put Trump and Maga stickers over Bernie etc. stickers and lots of SJWs got their cars vandalized by the mob

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