Under my administration, all “health officials” will be required to pass a PT test. If you can’t do at least 50 push-ups, you shouldn’t be managing people’s health.

“Your Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Health is a personal trainer who owns a gym.”

“And he’s fucking ripped. Clearly he knows more about keeping people healthy than the pudgy fuck he replaced.”

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Another J.Kb Administration policy”
  1. >Under my administration, all “health officials” will be required to pass a PT test. If you can’t do at least 50 push-ups, you shouldn’t be managing people’s health.

    I didn’t read carefully, and I thought for a moment there, someone in power was doing something that made sense… Alas…

    1. I don’t understand your confusion.
      My administration will not employ “do as I say not as I do” hypocrites. Heath officials should be healthy and live as exemplars of heath, not grotesque blubbery monstrosities with useless but impressive sounding credentials.

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