More news regarding the McCloskeys of St. Louis.

Remember that the mob broke down the locked wrought iron gate to their gated community and down a private drive that was marked as a private street with a no trespassing sign.

The McCloskeys claim that the protesters threatened them.

“One fellow standing right in front of me pulled out two pistol magazines, clicked them together and said you’re next. That was the first death threat we got that night,” Mark McCloskey said.

The mob was estimated to be about 500 people, so the McCloskeys were outnumbered roughly 250 to 1.

Given what other mobs have done, not just in other cities but in St. Louis too, I will give the McCloskeys the benefit of the doubt that they were right to bear arms to protect themselves.

One “recovering libertarian” with the Niskanen Center saw this and decided that citizens exercising their Second Amendment right to protect themselves was too much.

He’d like to think that he would be a tough guy because he knows that he’s not a tough guy.  He’s a God-damned, yellow-bellied, dickless, chicken-shit, fucking coward.

But lets for one-second humor him and pretend his fantasy is real.  The second he charged up the McCloskey’s lawn at them with murderous intent, he absolutely justified one or both of the McCloskeys dumping several rounds into him.

This piece of shit, in his bluster, doesn’t’ realize he completely justified the McCloskeys’ actions on Sunday.

The mob and their supporters want you disarmed and submissive.  If you refuse, they absolutely want to kill you for it.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Another nutjob reminds us why we should be prepared to defend ourselves”
  1. Mr. (Ms, Xe, They?) Taylor knows that the McCloskeys are “racist lunatics”, how? Because they are willing to use firearms to defend their lives and home? I’m so glad that Taylor is willing to charge an armed couple armed only with his bare hands, the world needs more heroes like him. When the smoke clears and his bullet riddled corpse is laying in the street, we will build a monument to his sacrifice stupidity. Oh wait, his bravado is all on Twitter, not so much in real life.

    1. No … He knows they’re racist because they’re gun owners.

      This conclusion is what I’ve been running across lately, at any rate.

    2. He knows they are racist because they were not participating in the protest.

      Remember, Silence is Violence.

  2. I love the addition that they are racist even though to my knowledge nothing even remotely close to being racially related happened or was uttered by them…

    The word, as we have discussed many times here, has virtually no meaning anymore.

    1. They are white, and they are not actively participating in the march, therefore, they are racist.

      Silence if violence.

      Either you mimic the chants, and vocalize exactly what the mob wants you to say, or you are a racist.

    2. The word “racist” does mean something to me. It means, when you apply it against me, you’re transitioning from “discuss” to “attempt to browbeat” and I have zero interest in listening to you any more.

      So it’s a conversational placeholder, I guess.

  3. A friend pointed out that the he wouldn’t be alone when he ‘charged’. Darwin would be along for the ride.

  4. If I may?

    “Meanwhile, were the couple, as they stood on their own property, within their rights to point weapons at protesters? Gun rights advocates say yes. A police spokesperson said to ask “the courts.”

    Anders Walker, a constitutional law professor at St. Louis University, said that although it’s “very dangerous” to engage protesters with guns, the homeowners broke no laws by brandishing or pointing weapons at them because Portland Place is a private street. He said the McCloskeys are protected by Missouri’s Castle Doctrine, which allows people to use deadly force to defend private property.”

    “At any point that you enter the property, they can then, in Missouri, use deadly force to get you off the lawn,” Walker said, calling the state’s Castle Doctrine a “force field” that “indemnifies you, and you can even pull the trigger in Missouri.”

    Luckily, Walker said, no one got shot.

    “There’s no right to protest on those streets,” Walker said. “The protesters thought they had a right to protest, but as a technical matter, they were not allowed to be there. … It’s essentially a private estate. If anyone was violating the law, it was the protesters. In fact, if (the McCloskeys) have photos of the protesters, they could go after them for trespassing.”

    1. “…thought they had a right to protest”. That’s not plausible, given a very prominent “private property, no trespassing” sign at the gate — not to mention the fact that they had to destroy that gate to get in.

  5. Stay in the house, cover from an elevated window, shoot Taylor as soon as he starts his charge. Let the idiots see you in the window.
    By the way the home owner is a civil rights attorney

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