This was a segment from Tucker Carlson:
The Left is pushing far-Left social change hard in the military.
This is from the pledge taken by Navy Task Force 1:
“I pledge to advocate for and acknowledge all lived experiences and intersectional identities of every Sailor in the Navy.”
Because Tucker pointed out the absurdity of what is going on in the military, he had to be attacked by the members of the military who are doing this.
One officer, in particular, decided that the best way to demonstrate how the military is an open and tolerant organization was to call for the banning of FOX News from all military bases, which are very explicitly government institutions.
These are the ghosts of his now-deleted Tweets:
I guess someone took him aside and reminded him that a military officer calling for media censorship as a military officer was a bad look.
But he still said it.
He also said shit like this:
What does it say about you (and me) as leaders if we are unwilling to stand with and for the brave women who serve amongst us?
What do they feel if they witness our silence?
Where is our honor, courage, and commitment if we leave discrimination, sexism, and misogyny unchecked?
— Travis Akers (@travisakers) March 12, 2021
That’s the problem right there. Now every male officer will be forced to celebrate having pregnant combat aviators or will be drummed out for being misogynists.
“Did you deny another sailor’s lived experience of being traumatized by a Tucker Carlson segment?”
In Biden’s military, you will be Woke or you will not be in it for that long.
Go Woke, Go Broke is a hard and fast rule, it applies to the military just as much as any other organization.
Remember when I said that the decreasing trust in our military was a feature not a bug?
Here it comes with a vengeance.
I have no doubt this guy is some sort of non-combat REMF, such as a Social Actions officer. For those who don’t know, “Social Actions” (at least when I was in the USAF) is a combination of HR, political correctness, diversity, anti-harassment, etc. A fellow crewmember’s wife was one of these, and the most military thing she ever did was wear the uniform — she was not even mobilized when the base had a “generation” (everyone, including folks such the paymaster troops was deployed on base in an active role). She got upset when I called her a “Political Officer.”
EDIT: Taking a look at his FB, he’s an Intelligence Officer. He also supports Fauxcohontas, worked for Beto, and states “Former Board of Directors at DemCast USA,” among other things.
By his own words he stands convicted as a felon. He needs to be court martialed for perjury and ejected with a BCD, and/or a couple of years in the stockade.
Celebrate, openly and loudly, what you are told to celebrate, otherwise you are a hater.
I am so glad that I’m retired…..