Maybe you have heard that Evil Orange Man is finally killing the poor innocent Black Folks he always wanted to kill via Federal executions. It is a national tragedy!

And now, here is what landed Brandon Bernard in the gurney:

Brandon Bernard and his accomplices brutally murdered two youth ministers, Todd and Stacie Bagley, on a military reservation in 1999. After Todd Bagley agreed to give a ride to several of Bernard’s accomplices, they pointed a gun at him, forced him and Stacie into the trunk of their car, and drove the couple around for hours while attempting to steal their money and pawn Stacie’s wedding ring.  While locked in the trunk, the couple spoke with their abductors about God and pleaded for their lives.  The abductors eventually parked on the Fort Hood military reservation, where Bernard and another accomplice doused the car with lighter fluid as the couple, still locked in the trunk, sang and prayed.  After Stacie said, “Jesus loves you,” and “Jesus, take care of us,” one of the accomplices shot both Todd and Stacie in the head—killing Todd and knocking Stacie unconscious.  Bernard then lit the car on fire, killing Stacie through smoke inhalation.  In June 2000, a jury in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas found Bernard guilty of, among other offenses, two counts of murder within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, and unanimously recommended a death sentence.  His conviction and sentence were affirmed on appeal, and his request for collateral relief was rejected by every court that considered it.  Bernard is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on December 10, 2020, at U.S. Penitentiary Terre Haute, Indiana.  One of his accomplices, Christopher Vialva, was executed for his role in the Bagleys’ murder on September 22, 2020.

Executions Scheduled for Two Federal Inmates Convicted of Heinous Murders

If this sounds familiar to you, it is because I posted about the execution of his buddy in murder Christopher Vialva back in September when the Miami Herald used the news as purely race baiting and more than one idiot bit hard on the political morsel.

Same as in the other execution, we can agree that shooting people you put in the trunk of a car and the setting them on fire, goes way beyond the “He should be pardoned because harsh life” and other mollycoddling bull. He is going away painless which is more than his victims got.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Another poor victim of Trump’s (insert derogatory adjective here)”
  1. Let’s see if I got this right:

    The murders were committed in 1999. He was convicted and the death sentence recommended unanimously by a jury in 2000. In the ensuing 20 years, every appeals court sustained his sentence. Yet somehow given all that, it’s because of Trump (who became President in 2017) that he is discussing his additional punishment options with Satan.

    I need more duct tape.

  2. Pass me the duct tape when you thru with it please…
    I just cant get how people think this guy is the victim..

  3. Trump is again going against the conventional wisdom and the approved Washington DC Consensus.

    For those heretical actions the Establishment is determined that he must be destroyed.

    Mostly because Donald Trump believes the same things that normal people believe. That is NOT ALLOWED.

  4. Too bad the death penalty can’t be repeated, but instead of the needle they should have locked him in a car trunk and lit the sucker on fire. Eye for an eye. Biblical yes. Irrational? No! And that’s true regardless of the felon’s race.

    1. Exactly! Why make it easy on these disgusting SOB’s? Their punishment should be the same thing they’re accused of, as near as possible. And make the punishment happen within a month of their trial.

  5. You can always tell when someone is being executed justifiably, because the left start screaming and crying about how wrong it is.

    Wrongful executions never get so much as a mention.

  6. Well of course he must be allowed to live because now he knits sweaters in his jail cell and has several rich, lovely people who have bought in to his scam….And one of those people is socially prominent (also known for her sex tape with another guy who was not her husband) so you know for a fact that ORANGE MAN BAD!

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