I can proudly say I have not missed an election since I became a Citizen. My first one was the Presidential of 2000 and yes, you can blame me for being one of those ornery assholes that voted for Bush against the Father of the Internet.

It has been raining all night and all morning. I figured that people would be a bit reluctant to stand under the rain and would wait to clear up, so I took the chance and it paid off.  The hardest part was finding a parking spot and the rest was a breeze.

And apparently it is bad manners to ask Democrat campaigners waving the signs outside the polling place if they had one of them Hunter Biden Commemorative Crack Pipes to give away.

My vote is in. Don’t forget yours.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Another Presidential Election voted in.”
  1. Did early voting on Monday afternoon. There was a line of about 20+ people and it kept a steady length despite the on & off rain.
    Took me approx. 40 minutes to get in and out, and there was a somewhat steady flow of folks dropping off their sealed mail-in ballots as well.

  2. I am a traditionalist when it comes to voting. First Tuesday of November, never earlier, never by mail. (Unless I am physically unable to make it to the polling place on Election day.)

    However, I will be there, voting in two weeks. If it takes eight hours or five minutes, there is no way I am going to sit this one out.

    Reminder to everyone. Pay as much attention to your State and Local elections as you do the Presidential election. While a Harris/Biden administration can be devastating for the country, your Mayor and City Assembly can screw up your personal life.

  3. Already voted by absentee ballot (that way I can research the judges that are up for being retained and the minor offices).

    Have checked with the county board, my vote has been counted already.

  4. It would have been hilarious if one of them got excited and asked if you could get him one of those pipes…

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