Today, Rush Limbaugh announced that he had lung cancer.

Love him, hate him, occasionally listen to him when you’re in the car, the fact is he is a successful author and talk show host.

The Left hates him because he’s conservative and has a large audience.  They hate anyone and anything that challenges their desire for monopoly.

Reza Aslan is a Progressive author and media personality.  You probably know him from his Tweet where he sad that Covington Catholic schoolboy Nick Sandmann had a “punchable face.”

He felt the need to Tweet something shitter than that, so Tweeted this in response to the news about Rush.

Wow, clearly he is hoping for Rush’s death.

He was challenged, so he took the Progressive route of walking this back as not a death wish but as something more benign.

1: It’s not a philosophical question.

2: Rush is a Conservative radio host, I’m not sure how he is even indirectly responsible for the mass suffering of countless people.

That Aslan thinks like this is not surprising in the least.  He’s a typical Progressive.  His ideas are so great that they don’t deserve to be criticized and anybody that does criticize them is so awful that they deserve to die.

It’s only notable that more and more these people are convinced by their echo chamber that they should show the rest of us how they truly feel.

It would be real shame if the blue-collar mechanics who listen to Rush in the shop should find out about this before Aslan takes his Mercedes in for service.  I’d hate to see some angry mechanic make a mistake that causes Aslan’s brakes to go out at speed.

But we know that won’t happen on purpose because Conservatives don’t silence their opposition with violence or celebrate their misfortune.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Another Progressive making it clear they hate you, then walking it back when they get called out”
  1. “It would be real shame if the blue-collar mechanics who listen to Rush in the shop should find out about this before Aslan takes his Mercedes in for service. I’d hate to see some angry mechanic make a mistake that causes Aslan’s brakes to go out at speed.

    But we know that won’t happen on purpose because Conservatives don’t silence their opposition with violence or celebrate their misfortune.” Of course they wouldn’t, indiscriminate target selection isn’t a popular conservative platform.

    Leaving his transmission critically low on fluid so he needs to spend several grand to replace it, maybe.

      1. Switch, not dial.

        I like it, and it certainly applies to the reaction that conservatives will/can have to escalating violence from the left.

        On the other hand, the left is has a switch, not a dial of their own. Their switch is “offense.” Either you are in full agreement, and love what they are proposing, or you “hate” them. Your disagreement with their ideas/proposals is tantamount to a physically violent attack against them. They do not have a dial when it comes to debates/discussions about current events. They have a switch.

        And, Aslan most certainly demonstrated that he has only two settings. Happy, or hatred.

  2. I wonder how Mr Aslan would react to a tweet wondering whether the world would be a better place without him in it.

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