This is why North Dakota, North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, and Texas have bills on the table to run protesters the fuck over if they attack cars.

This guy is boxed in.

Cars to the left, right, and rear, and protesters to the front.  He can do nothing but sit there with the doors locked praying that the protesters can’t smash through the windows.

IANAL, but in at least a dozen states, I’m pretty sure it would be legal at this point to start shooting protesters.

Especially that double foot jump guy that caved in the windshield.  Any reasonable person would be afraid that the protesters were trying to force their way into the vehicle to do harm to the driver.

They were most definitely trying to break their way into the car to do harm and the people inside were terrified.

I am now as certain as I can be as an internet amateur (IANAL) that the shooting would start and would be legal in a shall issue, stand your ground state.

Especially if my kids were in the back seat and someone was trying to punch their way in through a rear window.

As for the places where you can’t carry a gun, just stay the hell out of them.

Although, given the cost of ammo right now, you might be able to carry there with the argument that it’s not a gun, but a portable ATM dispensing $5 tokens.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Another protester car ambush – Update”
  1. Barring prosecutor malfeasance, lethal force would have been OK in Ohio and Michigan the moment they started trying to open doors. The people in the vehicle were not breaking any laws, and the thugs tried to break in — castle doctrine kicks in, so the thugs trying to break in are presumed to have violent intent.

    But those are more civilized lands, far from New York City.

  2. The people of NYC have been trained for YEARS, by their Gracie Mansion Overlords, to be Good Little Victims, not to defend themselves against the scum.
    to the point that they can’t even bring themselves to CONSIDER defending their lives when they are in grave danger.

    I’m sorry, but you brought this on yourselves.
    Welcome to ThunderDome…

  3. Texas law is clear, although the cops’ understanding or even awareness of the provision might be lacking. It was in a discussion I got into with a training officer in a civilian class I was taking. The officer was unaware of the law. From an email exchange I had with him later….

    In the specific case of mob attacking a person trapped in a vehicle I was thinking about the transition from un-justified to justified and what elements needed to be present. Looking at the statute, Texas Penal Code § 9.31. Self-Defense

    …a person is justified in using force against another when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to protect the actor against the other’s use or attempted use of unlawful force.  The actor’s belief that the force was immediately necessary as described by this subsection is presumed to be reasonable if the actor:

    (1) knew or had reason to believe that the person against whom the force was used:

    (A) unlawfully and with force entered, or was attempting to enter unlawfully and with force, the actor’s occupied habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment;

    (B) unlawfully and with force removed, or was attempting to remove unlawfully and with force, the actor from the actor’s habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment;  or

    To my eye, as soon as the bad guys used violence or force to attempt to enter, or attempt to remove someone from the vehicle, it’s weapons free IF the threat is of a deadly nature. The ‘to the degree’ part of the statute might limit the nature of the response, IANAL, so I don’t know if that is interpreted as a normal person would read it, or as a legal restriction on options.

    There is plenty of precedent that being dragged from a vehicle by a crowd of angry people can be deadly or have serious life changing consequences. “I saw what happened to Reginald Denny and feared the same would happen to me.” “I saw what happened to the guy those street bikers pulled from his SUV and beat, and was in fear for my life.”

    If you’re driving a two ton potential weapon, be prepared to use it as one.


  4. Forget it, J, it’s New York City.

    I’m sure that most forms of weapon-related self-defense techniques are illegal anyway.

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