Authorities should use the background check database as a way to find assault weapon purchasers who might not have registered those guns in compliance with the new law.
via Thousands have failed to register their military-style assault weapons. – Hartford Courant.
As far as I can tell, Connecticut uses NICS for its background checks instead of a state database of criminal records.
And it is a clear demonstration why we do not want not only Universal Background Checks that Charlie Schummer was so anxious to get, but also any kind of registration and even destroy any registration anywhere in the US.
“No dear plebeian, you are being silly! This registration is only to make sure that the guns don’t fall in the wrong hands…. of course we would not change our minds…well, of course if the law changes, we will use it to “legally” confiscate your weapons and if you refuse, a nice SWAT team will descend upon your household.”
Hat tip to Sebastian.
You know I’m not 100% but I believe we use NICS as well. However all background checks one way or the other are initiated through the DESPP to get a sales authorization number. DESPP maintains records of every sale from dealers and all private sales that require an authorization number (Which I think is all private sales now courtesy of PA13-3) and maintains handgun registration info which happens at the time of a private or dealer sale.
The only good thing about this system was that it was open to the public for use in any private sale if they so chose so private sales requiring a DESPP authorization number (previously only handgun sales) could be done without having to pay an additional transfer fee to an ffl.
Anything that keeps firearms out of the hands of the bad guys I’m for. And we all know how many are out there. We read about them every night.
Then again, I’m not a 9/11 Truther either.
The only thing that will keep guns out of violent offenders hands is a permanent stay in a cell. No background check will stop a criminal from doing what they do, which is break the law. They need to flush all the nonviolent offenders out, like the kids locked up over a little weed and lock the violent ones up. Keep them there until they can either play well with others or die, their choice.
I’m not a truth-er or a birth-er. I do believe that our judicial system has become a joke. Put a kid in jail over a weed and give murderers and rapists a slap on the wrist.
I have been watching the whole Connecticut thing. There was even a woman’s LTE that wanted the popo to just round them up and put them in prison. Someone is going to get killed over this foolishness. What are the people going to do when they go to the wrong house and kill a innocent or a cop gets killed. We really should be worried about the goings on.
Not the absolute most articulate message, but the points he makes are valid. This speaks to the ‘nice SWAT team coming to your door’ angle of what CT is doing.
“An Open Letter to the Men and Women of the Connecticut State Police: You are NOT the enemy (UNLESS YOU CHOOSE TO BE.)”
Scratch a leftist and you will find totalitarian underneath. EVERY TIME a leftist goes online, on TV, or publishes an angry rant or their inner most fantasies; it ALWAYS involves taking everybody they disagree with a putting them in prison, or killing them, and sometimes their families.
Congress doesn’t pass another useless AWB after Sandy Hook and the Antis are tweeting Republicans and NRA members how they should have their children killed. Some idiot in Iowa publishes an op-ed that the GOP and NRA should be dragged to death behind a truck. Celebs go off on how ALL gun owners should be rounded up as terrorists or the NRA be declared a terrorist organization and all of it’s members get killed by the military.
I’ve never heard crap like this from the other side of the aisle. More and more, especially from younger people, I hear the libertarian attitude of “just leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone.” But among leftist it’s: “Disagree with me and you’ll live out your life in a prison for political crimes. Maybe you’ll die, if you make us angry enough, we’ll kill your children.” It’s horrifying.
We should ship all our lefties down to Venezuela. They’d probably enjoy it down there. I know I’d enjoy some peace and quiet from not being labeled a ‘bunker dweller’ or ‘wingnut’ or ‘tea-bagger’. And that’s just from the nightly news…