Just found out that Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame star was destroyed. Not defaced but obliterated with a sledge-hammer.


And video:

It is not too far to assume that if you are not a Hillary Cult Member (I don’t think supporters won’t be enough anymore) you will either remains silent if she wins or be ready to be treated to a cranial reconstruction by her drones. And if you think you will receive justice, just remember there is no longer equal protection under the law applied in this country. Her minions will be spared or barely punished and you will be arrested, tried and sued for staining the sledgehammer with blood and not following the proper blood borne pathogen safety procedures.

I know some people have resented this meme, but we are no longer on position to play games.


I believe that Heinlein’s Polite Society comment will be very relevant in the near future.  We might find ourselves with the need to teach some impolite mother***ers how to behave.

Hat tip Dale G.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Another reason for the Second Amendment: Intolerance.”
  1. More evidence why we must be armed and refuse to allow 2A restrictions. The risk of personal violence when Hildabeast loses is all too real. The emboldened risk of violence to those who will not comply if God forbid, she wins, is also true as you noted.

    It’s a lose-lose Kobiashi-maru situation.

    1. If on the off chance Hildabeast loses, the cities will be in flames. Since I’m only a block from the hood, I’m a little nervous about a Hillary loss. Just in case the fix doesn’t go as planned and Trump wins.

      1. Sorry, can’t bring myself to care about the cities.

        I don’t think it will be that bad, if the percentage of blacks voting Trump is what I’ve heard. I think the real violence will come from universities.

        Which means we’ll have a few years of exploding grad student housing, as humanities majors try their hand at applied chemistry.

  2. Saw the CNN YouTube posting. They interviewed the guy before he fled the scene.

    He says he has “4 or 5” family members who have been sexually assaulted and is “terribly upset that we have a presidential nominee who has become something of a poster child for sexual violence.”

    So of course he destroys the Hollywood star celebrating said nominee’s opponent. Idiot.

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