Ryan Carson, 32, is stabbed to death while waiting at bus stop with his girlfriend in unprovoked attack by unhinged thug

A left wing activist who was stabbed to death in New York City while waiting at a bus stop with his girlfriend, had just spent the evening prior with his partner at a wedding.

Ryan Carson, 32, was stabbed in the chest multiple times, and the blade pierced his heart, during the unprovoked attack at 4am near Lafayette Avenue and Malcolm X Boulevard in Brooklyn.

Ryan was with his girlfriend when the suspect – wearing a dark colored sweatshirt with his hood up – asked ‘What the f**k are you looking at?’ before violently stabbing him in the chest.

The attacker can be heard saying ‘I’ll kill you!’ on camera while Carson pleads with him and holds up his hand.

His girlfriend can be heard in the security footage shouting: ‘Please, please, please!’

Carson falls over the bench he had been sitting on before the attacker knocks him to the ground and knifes him multiple times.

He then spits on the girlfriend, kicks Carson’s body and storms away.

Here is the video:



A lot of people on the internet have pointed out Carson is a radical Leftist, Antifa, communist who protested against the police and for more safe injection sites, and therefore he is the victim of his own ideology.

I won’t argue that.

But these thugs aren’t just stabbing Antifa activists.

That could have been anyone on that corner.

I hate NYC but I attended a buddy’s wedding there when he invited me and the reception got out after midnight.

This is why the Supreme Court decided the way it did on Bruen.

I counted this guy backing up and pushing they thug away three times before he ended up dead.

In any place in America, any expected duty to retreat has been met (for places that have it) and this would have been a good shoot.

I don’t personally care about guys like Carson.

I do care about myself if I have to end up in NYC or Chicago or Minneapolis.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Another reason to enforce Bruen”
  1. Just one more reason to G.T.F.O. of the cities, “a year too early is better than a week too late”
    Move to a RED state and area, get your CCW & carry ALL the time, even at home.
    Bad things happen suddenly and the bad guys are NOT going to wait while you go and get your gun.

    1. I have a life long friend who lives very near nyc. He has invited me there numerous times and you can’t pay me enough money to go there… too bad for this guy but karmas a bitch…. 

  2. Not necessarily “unprovoked.”
    In the video, it looks like the attacker is trying to kick in the side window of a parked car, or just kicking the door. Not sure, the top part is cut off.
    In typical NYC fashion, the couple just stands there and watches, instead of either intervening, or leaving. (I would have taken off, because distance is your friend.)
    This thug is simply enjoying the friendly nature a diverse, vibrant city like NY provides. Knowing full well, that if he ends up in jail, it will be for less than a full day.

    1. This is what I was wondering about. They get up and begin walking towards the guy while he’s actively doing, whatever it is, and its only then that his attention is turned towards them.

      If you see someone behaving like this, don’t approach, or do so very cautiously. I thought that was common sense.

  3. At 4:00 AM, I would pt for a cab.

    As CBMTTek noted, moving away when the trouble started is a good idea.

  4. Here in my jurisdiction, I’d have presented my weapon before he got close enough to touch me a second time and aimed it after the second touch. There wouldn’t have been a third touch.

    1. Unless he was completely irrational, he would have started rambling down the road if he sees a firearm. 

      Me?  I would have done my damndest to never be in that situation.

      But? If things went wrong and I ended up on the street at 4 AM?
      I am going to keep moving until I find safe shelter. I am also definitely going to avoid anyone with a hoodie pulled on a pleasant night.  

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