Voting for Trump is just like operating a Nazi concentration camp and deserves the same level of punishment.

Ooo… a trial? For what? Voting for lower taxes? Tariffs on outsourced products?

If you are found guilty do you get hanged?

But is it a final solution to the Republican question?

These people have been bitching about #Gestapo and “secret police” for a couple of days. Clearly their problem is they they are not the ones on control and dictating who get arrested.

The question for everyone is: if Trump loses and the Democrats take control of the federal government, how much retribution will they exact on us? Will your MAGA2020 Facebook post be Exhibit A in your hate crime trial?

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Another reminder of how much they hate you”
  1. As an engineer, I was taught the importance of being precise in our language. The material you’ve quoted perpetrates an all-too-common error. The proper past tense of the verb “to hang” is “hung,” in ALMOST all cases. The exception is the case where the rest of the phrase, actual or implied, is “by the neck until dead.” In that case, the proper past tense of the verb is HANGED.

    YMMV… and they won’t hate us any less, but we’ll be totally unambiguous in just what it is that is intended…

    BTW, at what point does “What would Henry Bowman do?” become our guidance?

    1. Just dropping a quick reminder that when someone asks, “What would Jesus do?”, flipping over tables and beating swindlers with a homemade whip until they GTFO is not outside the realm of possibility. 😉

  2. And, how many of us will “…burn in the camps, later…”, Vs dying on our feet, in our hallways, collecting pallbearers for our entrance into Valhalla?

    1. “…Did you exchange
      A walk on part in the war
      For a lead role in a cage?…”

      Reminds me of Wish you were Here, Pink Floyd.

  3. These folks seem to imagine themselves in some sort of Gor or Howard-ian fantasy world, wherein they lounge on their thrones while deplorables are slaughtered, for their amusement.

    I *really* need to dial in my “Rifleman’s Quarter Mile” (500 meter). REALLY.

  4. These people have been bitching about #Gestapo and “secret police” for a couple of days. Clearly their problem is they they are not the ones on control and dictating who get arrested.

    ^^^ This, times 1,000 ^^^

    With the Left, it’s always — ALWAYS — about control. More specifically, gaining and keeping control of whatever is left they don’t currently control, and making sure they have better stuff than you do.

    They don’t have a problem with guns; “gun control” is about controlling your access to guns, and making sure the guns they control are better.

    They don’t have a problem with “greenhouse gas” emissions from vehicles; emissions laws are about controlling your consumption of gasoline and diesel, and making sure their cars are better. You can buy a Prius, they’ll keep their Escalades.

    They don’t have a problem with private health care; the ACA is about controlling your access to quality medical facilities and doctors. You can “keep your plan” only as long as it’s compatible with ACA, they’ll keep theirs regardless.

    The question for everyone is: if Trump loses and the Democrats take control of the federal government, how much retribution will they exact on us?

    That’s one question. Another question is: how much longer are we going to put up with Leftist retribution before we exact some of our own?

    The GOP always seeks consensus, while Democrats always seek retribution. Seeking consensus isn’t always a bad thing, but in this arena it makes political maneuvering extremely one-sided. How much longer are we expected to accept that as the status quo? I understand the GOP wants to take the high road, but at some point the bottom is eroded out and the high road becomes impassable. What then?

    The GOP lives by the maxim, “Never wrestle with a pig; you both get dirty, and the pig likes it.” They’re focused too much on not getting dirty. The pig will always like getting dirty. The better question is: Can we win in such a way that it no longer likes wrestling?

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