It’s warfare to have been vaccinated and not wear a mask?

This is unhinged.  More than their usual level of unhinged.

It’s also leading down the path of “you weren’t wearing a mask do you are expelled from this body for assaulting other members.”

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Another squad member goes totally off the deep end”
  1. Either The Vaccine (PBUH) prevents disease, or it does not.

    If it does, once vaccinated, no need (from a ‘rona perspective) to mask.

    If it does not prevents the disease, as Herr Dokter Fauxi has proclaimed, I believe on MSNBC, then it is officially SCIENCE!, And Not To Be Questioned (you denier, you!).

    In which case, my position is “go faccinate yourself!”, although I might spell that “f” word differently.

    After all, how many times in 30+ years as an RN, did I administer a vaccine, thinking, “Well, *this* is certainly not going to protect this person against (rabies)(tetanus)(diptheria)(pertussis)(other, vaccine preventable, disease). I’ll administer it anyway!”

    Ummmm….. NONE!

    1. Yes, no kidding.
      My mind has been boggled a lot lately. Just a week or two ago I read something by an alleged MD type suggesting that it wasn’t clear whether the vaccine would keep a person from being infectious.
      It’s fair to say that with any kind of new treatment the level and duration of protection needs to be ascertained. But to suggest that it’s unclear whether there is any protection at all is biological and medical nonsense.
      Infectious disease is caused by the agent multiplying in the body, and from there being let out of the body (in breath, blood, or otherwise). Recovery is caused by the immune system suppressing the agent, i.e., reducing its numbers to a sufficiently low level. It follows that recovery must reduce infectiousness.
      Similarly, vaccination prevents disease by either ensuring antibodies are already in place before infection, or by otherwise preparing the immune system to respond more quickly and effectively. So here again, it follows that successful vaccination must reduce infectiousness.

      Any claims to the contrary are not based in science and their motivation is worth exploring.

  2. I notice that she was standing there wearing her Emperor’s Special Super Duper Double Secret Invisible Mask while she complained about others not wearing theirs. . .

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