This is from Guns Down America, an anti-gun group founded by a member of the Center for American Progress:

This is a shakedown, complete extortion.  There is no other way to describe it.

Make a statement supporting Black Lives Matter and donate or provide material support for Black Lives Matter or your business will be harassed and targeted for boycott.

You can no longer remain neutral, hoping to avoid controversy.  You must submit to the most extreme mob or be destroyed.

Sure, it will start with these big-name companies, but it will come for us all.  The Revolution always does.

Did your small business make a statement on its Facebook page?  Did your ma-and-pa restaurant or bakery or knickknack store no make a corporate statement and donation?  The internet will find you and people who have nothing better to do than be part of the internet outrage machine will destroy you.

Corporate America should have pushed back when it had the chance but it didn’t, now we are all going to be caught up in the cultural revolution.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Anti-Gun group pushes BLM extortion”
  1. The called out large companies will fall all over themselves to make donations. I’m sure target will make a donation, they have not learned anything after letting pervs into the woman’s wash rooms

  2. Silence is violence.

    And, didn’t Jesse Jackson pull this crap for a long time? What’s old is new again.

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