The Mayor of San Jose, California, saw his home vandalized by the pure troops of Antifa/BLM.

It is particularly noteworthy that the Mayor had chose to place a BLM banner in his window to show solidarity with a movement that has none for him or his wife.

I like photos, specially when they capture an identifying moment.

Click to enlarge

People have invaded your property. They have vandalized your house, probably destroyed the front garden, had a fire started not too far and effing invaded your property!

He says he was not home during the incident and I hope his wife wasn’t either. But he still pines for the movement, and I guess he has to being in California and not wanting to be stabbed or beaten with a bike lock by one of the Antifa commissars.

Not9ice how Antifa/BLM is selecting political targets that can’t harm them, so far weak ass Liberals.

I have no issue with that.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Antifa/BLM goes after more of its allies.”
  1. Struggle session. Pure and simple.
    I hope people wake up soon… Good AMERICANS have died in several wars to protect against this very moment.

  2. There’s a bit of a Devil’s Bargain the Dems made with the Radical Left, as the local guys need the nutcase votes to stay in office.
    But, it won’t last past November, if that long. The Dems in office are in it for both the money and power, and the Radicals can’t deliver the former, nor will they share the latter. And think about it- all the destruction of cities, all the frightened flight of people and businesses from the cities- that’s money out of their pockets. That’s a lot of sweetheart deals gone, kickbacks gone, big campaign contributions gone, six figured sinecures on the boards of “charitable foundations” for superfluous family members gone.
    The tricky bit is keeping things going long enough to get the radical votes, but somehow also figuring out a way to foist off the inevitable crackdown on Trump.

    1. If it’s hurting them in the money and power it makes you wonder why they allow it. Then it occurred to me, I wonder if this isn’t the setup for a planned October surprise. There will be some big violent confrontation that they will blame on Trump.

      1. They’re allowing it because they need those radicals to vote for Democrats in November, thus the Devil’s Bargain. It also draws attention away from the fact that they railroaded Bernie once again.

        While abetting the Radicals will probably lose them the presidency, it might work to keep them from losing the House, Senators, multiple Governorship, and other lower level races.

        Which gives the Dem establishment another tool to use, should the election be lost, an excuse to remove the radicals and Bernie Bros. They don’t have to win the White House, but they do have to keep their positions in the party,

  3. If someone tries to start something burning almost in my front lawn, I am going to assume they intend to burn my house down. Arson against an occupied dwelling is indiscriminate and justifies lethal force.

    It is a very dangerous game to play with many Americans who would justifiably be in fear for their lives. The threat of fire would bring me out of my house to tell them the slightest aggression equals “go” time.

    It is basically a no win game of chicken. So, who blinks first? Problem is crowds are emboldened and no one thinks they will be the first to die. Given the tepid response of law enforcement, we will likely see an incident where a homeowner kills a bunch of rioters.

  4. There purity spiral guarantees them eventually attacking there allies and then themselves.

    It’s what communists do.

    1. After every election cycle, there’s something super obvious wrong that the loser did. And that only becomes clear when the election is over.
      My suspicion is that abetting and encouraging the rioters will be that for the Democrats.

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