“F— all you colonizers!…Everyone of you that’s against Black Lives Matter can f— the f— off.”
Antifa rioters in the process of toppling the Portland statue of Roosevelt. They were soon successful in pulling it down. Video by rioter Tracy Lynn Molina. pic.twitter.com/D5XgfX3slR
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 12, 2020
These idiots will tell you at the drop of the hat that they for the “oppressed people” and more than likely will also say they are all for the Environment and against big corporations and that gives them the authority to topple down TR’s statue.
Theodore Roosevelt as Secretary of the Navy, sent Admiral Dewey to the Philippines to deal with the Navy of Spanish Empire who owned the place back then. Then as Rough Rider, he fought side by side with the Buffalo Soldiers to remove the Spanish empire from Cuba. He was the first President to invite a black man, Booker T. Washington, for official dinner at the White House, took on the meat industry for its unhealthy practices and also used the Sherman Act to bust railroad monopolies.
And how about conservation and Nature? Teddy was a naturalist since his infancy and wrote books about Nature among other subjects. But it was as President where he shined in this area.
From 1901 to 1909, he signed legislation establishing five new national parks: Crater Lake, Oregon; Wind Cave, South Dakota; Sullys Hill, North Dakota (later re-designated a game preserve); Mesa Verde, Colorado; and Platt, Oklahoma (now part of Chickasaw National Recreation Area)
By the end of 1906 he had proclaimed four national monuments: On September 24 he proclaimed Devils Tower (Wyoming). On December 8, he proclaimed El Morro (New Mexico), Montezuma Castle (Arizona), and Petrified Forest (Arizona). Additionally, he interpreted the authority expansively, protecting a large portion of the Grand Canyon (Arizona) as a national monument in 1908. By the end of his term he had reserved six predominantly cultural areas and twelve predominantly natural areas in this manner. Half of the total land area was initially administered by the Agriculture Department and was later transferred to Interior Department jurisdiction, since the National Park Service would not be created until 1916.
Theodore Roosevelt and the National Park System

Over a century later and because a combination of lack of historical knowledge and latest political fashion, his statute is brought down like he was Adolf Hitler or some slave trader by idiots would probably erect a statue of Greta Thunberg thinking she has done more for the Environment.
And these are the people that demand access to power so they can rule upon us.
It is a massive lack of knowledge and education. Combined with an inflated sense of self righteousness. Together they combine to make a very arrogant ignorant individual. Arrignorance is going to be a huge problem regardless of who wins the elections.
And, I am once again reminded of how childlike these leftists are. Convinced they are right, and determined to destroy anything they do not like.
The real scary thing: There is way too many of these fools.
These are the same rampaging toddlers whoe,set the elk statue on fire, I’m just surprised they haven’t canceled Frederick Douglass
Not yet. But they have canceled Lincoln; the statue commemorating emancipation in DC has been attacked, and a copy of it in Boston has actually been removed.
On Teddy: as cancelation subjects go, I’m a lot more inclined to give that one a pass than many others. For one thing, he was one of the original big government progressives. (The national parks thing is an example of that, come to think of it.) And then there is this item, from an op-ed about Columbus Day in today’s WSJ:
Italian-Americans were the target of the biggest lynching in American history, in New Orleans in 1891. After the police chief of New Orleans was shot, hundreds of Sicilian immigrants were rounded up without cause, and nine were tried for murder. The jury acquitted them, but Mayor Joseph A. Shakespeare organized a mob of between 8,000 and 20,000, which stormed the prison and murdered the nine men and two other Sicilians who were held for unrelated charges.
A future president was among those cheering on the mob. “Personally I think it rather a good thing,” Theodore Roosevelt wrote to his sister.
Kinda surprised Teddy’s statue didn’t come alive and start stomping mofos. Guy was a serious hardass. Also railed heavy against hyphenated Americans; you are American and nothing else. Antifa and their handlers are globalist, the antithesis of everything he stood for.
From what I heard on the news, the criminals also pulled down a statue of Lincoln. And they looted various stored, and broke into a college (?). THREE people were arrested.