An admitted Antifa member and independent journalist was arrested over the stabbing of two Trump supporters outside the state Capitol in Albany, N.Y. on Wednesday. One of the victims had an eviscerated bowel and required emergency surgery.

Alexander Stokes Contompasis, 37, of Rensselaer, N.Y., has been charged with felony first-degree assault, second-degree assault, two counts of criminal possession of a weapon and second-degree menacing over the stabbings of two men that occurred during a brawl in East Capitol Park between Antifa and pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” protesters.

Journalist charged over Antifa stabbing attack in Albany

Although I am already taking this with a grain salt since in all probability the charges will be very reduced or even dismissed, I want you to see this as if this event had happened outside the political microscope of favoritism.

Here is the video and what we wants starts around 10:45. Mr. Contompasis is wearing a purple garment (jacket/hoodie?) and makes him easier to track.

I will give you the first attack since the argument could be made (barely) that he came to the defense of a third party. But the rest? After retreating the way he did several times, every time he re-engaged became and independent event he chose to do and IMHO IANAL opinion, no longer covered by the first defensive claim.

Melissa Carpinello, an attorney for Contompasis, claims that her client acted in self-defense, Times Union reported.

“I believe that when the facts of this case come out, it will show that my client was defending himself from an unprovoked attack by self-identified Proud Boys, a radical racist organization,” Carpinello said.

And again, if he was charged outside the political spotlight, he would not have a chance in hell and her attorney would be jockeying for a deal. In times like we are having? I would not be surprised if a GoFundMe account would soon be overflowing with cash for his future vacation in Tahiti.

And that means if you happen to do something similar, the best you can opt for is a chance at parole after the first 15 years of prison.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Antifa claims self defense in knife attack. Video says otherwise.”
  1. Yes, per Massad Ayoob’s class, if you retreat and then re-engage, you lose the mantel of innocence and can no longer claim self-defense.

  2. More specifically, if you retreat and then -you- reengage, then you lose the self-defense argument. If you retreat and your pursuer persists in trying to reengage, then it’s their ass.

    Stupid antifa can’t even do self-defense right.

    1. Antifa aren’t interested in self-defense, they’re just interested in finding any excuse they can to murder people they disagree with.

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