So last night and commemorating Ted Wheeler’s latest ellipsis around the sun, Antifa decided to give him a long and loud serenade and  give him the love they think he deserves by giving him a new title:

Is that a subtle hint to Pedo Bear?

And the night had to close with one of Antifa’s favorite craft: Arson to an occupied structure, namely an apartment building’s lobby.


But what would have happened to the other people in the building if the fire had gotten out of control? My guess is that if you thing Antifa, you are guilty of being an accomplice to a War Criminal my means of close up geography and deserve what’s coming to you.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Antifa gives Portland’s Mayor a birthday serenade.”
  1. Ted Wheeler is the Mayor, but the Mayor of Portland is also the Chief of the Portland Police Bureau, kind of like how the President is the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces.

    Use of CS gas is prohibited during wartime*. Portland Police, Oregon State Police, and Federal Protective Service/US Marshals have used CS gas in particularly sporty “protests” to break up the crowd.

    Ergo, Ted Wheeler is a war criminal.

    Antifa considers any attempt to stop them to be police brutality. About 10% of the crowd was arrested last night, and “de-arrests” were attempted. De-Arrests are, as you might imagine, where the crowd attacks the officers attempting to arrest someone in order to allow the suspect to escape. De-Arresting tactics have led to LARGE numbers of officers being involved when trying to arrest someone for, say, setting fire to the lobby of an occupied apartment building. Antifa propagandists, labeled “press,” then show the video of a dozen officers running up and making targeted arrests, claiming that the cops are using excessive force.

    And I believe that they really do believe their own bullshit: That they are the victims in this.

    *The reason CS is prohibited is not because it’s particularly egregious, but because it might invite retaliation with actual chemical weapons and nerve agents.

  2. Antifa wouldn’t be using pedobear as an insult — too many of them are into “alternative sexualities”.

  3. “But what would have happened to the other people in the building if the fire had gotten out of control?”

    I think a better question is “would the police have been ordered to disperse the rioters if it wasn’t Ted Wheeler’s apartment?”

    1. Interesting that they actually showed up this time. In an earlier riot (a few days ago) at that apartment (which didn’t reach the point of arson, I believe) 911 was reportedly called to no effect.

  4. The other interesting question is whether Wheeler will now take action against the riots. In Seattle and Chicago, the mayors decided to do something only once the violence reached their own homes. We get to see if Wheeler has been emasculated to the point he can’t even bring himself to do that much.

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