But they support the effort to kill as many Jews as possible just like the Nazis would have wanted. Yeah, it makes total sense.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Antifa is against Fascism, right?”
    1. One more reason why they don’t teach math or science in public schools.

      Newton was no doubt a hater with his fascist “Three Laws”; probably racist, too. Either way, he’s a Dead White Man, and we don’t need to listen to him.

    1. (Addressed to the “protester”:)

      “What the F@#$” is, the Rules of Engagement weren’t what you assumed they’d be.

      In that empty void between your ears you call a “mind”, if you stand in front of the police car, the police car must stop and the officer inside must allow you and your buddies to assault him.

      That’s what you expected, but not how it is. You thought that there were two possible outcomes: 1. The officer stops, you assault him and/or keep him from responding to other calls; or 2. The officer doesn’t stop, runs you over, and you get to be the victim in a lawsuit big enough to shut down their department.

      Instead, the officer took a third way out that you didn’t think was there because you’re inadequate to the task.

      (To scrappycrow:)

      I’m not sure he does know. I suspect the indoctrination these youth are subjected to — in public schools and on social media — is so thorough, the capacity for self-awareness and critical thought is gone. Just … gone.

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