Antifa knows that they own the roads in some places in America.

They can set up ambush gauntlets where they can essentially trap drivers for targeted violence.

This Antifa asshole was in the middle of the road, in the absolute certainty that drivers would have to stop or slow down not to hit him because the law protects him.  When the blue truck slowed down it was attacked.

This is an ambush tactic straight out of the Green Zone.  Slow down drivers to speeds where they are easily attacked.

It was successful and done repeatedly.


The police would have arrested any driver who barreled on through the Antifa human roadblock but not the people who nearly killed a passenger with a tree branch.

When one of these Antifa steps out in the road it is to slow you down so his comrades can get a better shot at you.  This is why laws like the one in Tennesse that allow drivers to run over people illegally blocking the roads and threatening them in the streets are vital.

Oregon has no such protections so Antifa knows that they can use this tactic over and over again because the police will come down harder on the driver than runs an Antifa asshole over than the Antifa who try and kill drivers.

I’m going to say it over and over again, it’s time for anyone who is not on the far left to pull chocks and abandon that region of the country.

Just get out.

As long as the government protects Antifa more than the law-abiding, tax-paying citizens, you’re just funding the beast while waiting for it to come and eat you.


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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Antifa sets up an ambush gauntlet in Oregon”
  1. While I get your point, and in principle agree, I would point out that this particular red truck (note the flags) went looking for a confrontation. And, not surprisingly, he found it.

    If he was just out and about, turned a corner and found himself in such an “ambush,” I think he’s justified in plowing through just about anything he has to to save his and his passenger’s life and limb.

    But when you go looking for confrontation, don’t be shocked when you find it. He got exactly what he looked for.

    1. Excuse me, but how do you know he “was looking for a fight”? Based on a couple of stickers and a flag? You mean… A guy can’t drive around town with a flag on his truck? I guess I better take mine off…. Maybe just burn it in the burn barrel if it’s gonna cause me such troubles…


    2. GMC, your assertion that he “went looking for a confrontation” is utterly unsupported by available evidence.

      Unless you have additional data that you haven’t shared that actually supports your assertion, just shut up and don’t give us this kind of stuff in the future.

  2. I’ll stand by my comment. I’ve not seen the article referred to here, but most of us do not drive around daily with flags flying from the back of our trucks. My suspicion is that he loaded up the truck with the flags, and went looking for the “ambush.” One of the central tenets of self-defense law is that a person claiming self-defense has to have clean hands. One of those clean hands is that you can’t run TO the fight and then claim self-defense.

    That does not excuse Antifa’s acts; far from it. But driving into a riot is really stupid; it’s not like he shouldn’t have known the likely outcome. If not, where has his head been for the last year?

    And pkoning; I’ll decline to just “shut up,” thanks. I’ll say my piece, and you’ll say yours. And that’s just fine.

    I also believe that at some point, this is going to go kinetic. The interesting question is what will juries do? I’m of the opinion that jury nullification is going to be a part of reclaiming rationality in this country, and ending this sort of anarchy. I don’t think Antifa reflect the larger community, even in a shithole like Oregon. The vast majority of Oregonians (is that the right term?), I suspect, have had about enough of this, but they’re bullied into submission by the thugs. The politicians hoped that the demonstrations would just fade away, but they clearly didn’t, and now they don’t know what to do, having encouraged the mobs. And the police have had it made clear to them that the city does not have their backs. Where does this end? If juries nullify self-defense prosecutions, the message is made clear. At some point, we’re headed to that. I don’t know when. There will be an incident, and a prosecution, and we’ll see.

    And yes, juries can nullify. It is their right to do so, and I would argue in some rare circumstances, their duty to do so.

    1. I think the notion that flying a flag is tantamount to “looking for a fight” is utter garbage and totally idiotic. I sure hope you’re not allowed to serve on any jury with an attitude like that.

      Do you have any idea what your claims say about your lack of respect for the First Amendment?

    2. So if a guy with a Trump flag was ‘asking for it,’ does that it’s ok to violent assault and attempt to murder anyone wearing BLM or antifa logos?

      Asking for a friend.

      1. I said neither of those things. Gentlemen, when you’re done beatng your straw man about the head and shoulders, maybe we’ll talk.

        And no, I don’t get to serve on juries anymore. I’m the guy who has to defend the idiot that went out looking for trouble – and found it – and then is wondering why he has to spend all his money to keep his ass out of prison.

        1. If that’s not what you meant to say, perhaps you could explain what you did mean to say. I can’t tell what, exactly, the guy has done that justifies you tagging him with the label of “was looking for a fight”.

          Carrying around political symbols is not “looking for a fight” in a free country, especially not one that has the First Amendment. If you allow such a notion, that’s a surrender to the heckler’s veto, and allows the enemy to dictate what you are allowed to say. It’s true that they claim that “speech is violence” (by which they mean “words I don’t like I will call violence”), but that doesn’t make it so and it should not be a notion we let go unchallenged.

        2. You literally said that merely displaying a political slogan was ‘looking for a fight’ and that anyone who does so has no right to defend themselves from being brutally assaulted by terrorists who disagree with said slogan.

  3. No flags, no stickers, no nothing on my vehicle.

    Inside, however, I have, on my person, 43 rounds of self defense ammo.

    As well as a rifle and 210 rounds.

    (A) If I am unable to evade a fight, I will have multiple pallbearers, as I enter Valhalla.

    (B) If I am around to address my actions before 12 sceptical citizens, the only provocative aspects on my part will be (1) my presence where I strove not to be, and (2) breathing “their” air.

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