Interesting couple of things: They spray paint, bust the windows and the glass door, but they do not go inside. One thing is the penalty for Vandalism (30 days in jail and fines reaching $1250….if they even get charged at all) and the other would be the penalty for burglary (five years and a maximum fine of $125,000).  So they know how far they can push with their damage which suggest legal advice prior to the actions.

And the second thing is the proliferation of collapsible batons. It seemed like almost everybody had one and some even had a holster for it. I am guessing they are aware they won’t be charged with possession of a weapon like Regular You and Me would.

It is so nice to have the the Gov batting for you even when you screw their minions.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Antifa vandalizes Portland’s Democratic Party office during the Inauguration of Biden.”
  1. News, bloggers, and even police channels are calling them protestors and demonstrators.

    We wave a flag, we’re domestic terrorists

    They smash windows and well….

  2. Prior legal advice? Hell, they probably called Wheeler’s office up ahead of time to secure a hall pass for their crafty brick work…

  3. I don’t think their restraint is fear of legal consequences — they spent the summer committing arson, burglary, and attempting arson of occupied structures.

    I think it’s knowing who is protecting them, and doing just enough symbolic damage — to be repaired by a well-connected contractor, no doubt — to keep the rank and file happy.

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