Please tell me in the US which side supports the idea of racial identity and racial purity determining your innocence, guilt, and social value.

Please tell me which side is smashing windows and looting shops, engaging an a modern Kristallnacht.

Please tell me where are the ghettos that Progressives are forced to live in.

Please tell me which side has been protesting and rioting, including setting fires and throwing bombs, for more than 90 days.

These people want to compare themselves to oppressed Jews in Nazis Germany but the closest parallels are actually to them acting like Nazis.

Only in their own mind are they the victim of oppression fighting a righteous cause.

To everyone else they are violent bullies who burn working and middle class businesses to the ground.

This, typical for Leftists stinks of antisemitism and projection.

These people are human fucking garbage.

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By J. Kb

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