It is Year Zero, so anything that happened previously didn’t happen.

But in October of 2018, protesters took over the Hart Senate Office Building, 300 people were detained in that mostly peaceful protest.

There was video.

But these were Leftist protesting q conservative SCOTUS nominee, not Trump supporters believing that we has an unfair and dishonest election.

Was it exactly the same?  No.  But let’s not pretend that the Senate being stormed never happened before.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Anybody remember the last time the senate was stormed?”
  1. One of the things I noted is that when the left want to “storm” the castle, they are handed the keys, get into place, then do what ever they want to do.

    When they become disruptive or actually do something illegal, there are hundreds of cameras ready to focus on the evil of the establishment/cops doing their jobs.

    When conservatives want to protest, they fences go up, the doors are locked, they are not allowed to enter.

    So if that had been a bunch of leftists wanting to protest the election, they would have been allowed into the gallery to act out.

    It was a bunch of right leaning people, so they were locked out of the people’s building, in order to get to the same place that the left gets to for free, they had to break into the building. Now, once they were in, they didn’t control themselves properly, but by then they were not listening to those that normally would have kept it under control.

    My favorite video of the “damage done” was the mob walking *between the velvet ropes* as they made their way deeper into the building.

  2. Do not forget the attack on the House of Representatives in 1954 by Puerto Rican nationalists. 30 shots were fired five representatives were wounded no one was killed. So as to the crowd that says this has never happened before I’m afraid that they cannot or will not read.

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