She has gone full bat-shit insane.


This is nuts.

For a mob that was supposedly there to assassinate half of Congress, they were poorly armed.

Beyond that, suggesting that members of the Capitol Police were in on the assassination attempt and she couldn’t trust them not to kill her, this is among the worst conspiracy theories I’ve heard yet.

Yesterday I posted about how she said that fellow members of Congress were in on the assassination attempt too and that she couldn’t trust them either.

The Democrats need to tamp this down because she’s claiming that Republican Congressmen and Capitol Police were in on a conspiracy to murder her and fellow Democrats and can’t be trusted.

This is the kind of paranoia that caused totalitarian to purge subordinates.

She is off her fucking rocker and needs to tone it down.

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By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “AOC accuses Capitol Police of conspiring to murder her”
  1. The won’t though; give it 3 months and the official record will have as a truth that the insurrectionists were armed with guns given to them by Trumps military; that some cops were in on it and that Harris single handedly fought fhem off till loyal troops could arrive.

  2. Tone it down?

    “Oh Hell No!” ™

    People need to figure out ways to push more of her buttons to incite even more nutzo from her and work to get it more out in the public.

    While it’s likely her district in NYC is going to get deleted due to the census, someone noted that in ’24 she’ll be old enough to run for POTUS and for remaining TV time, we need to make her look like an absolute ditzhead crackpot.

    1. Miles has it right. I came in to post almost exactly this.

      Democrats have power and they’re wielding it like a bully with a lightsaber. It’s only a matter of time before they chop off their own arms with it, and the best thing we can do at this point is encourage them.

    2. she IS a effing ditzhead crackpot. no one needs to embellish how retarded she is. But for the life of me that she has a constituency is mindblowing.

  3. Gone full bat-shit insane? Puhleeze, she’s been there from the start.

    And I find it disturbingly ironic the DemonKKKrats are still so clueless as to what they’re doing to themselves by going on their “payback” warpath. Same with them now banging that old “white supremacy” drum.
    Gonna be interesting to watch them start eating their own in a few months. That is their 1 constant as reliable as Republitards politicians having less spine than an amoeba.

  4. Agree with Miles.

    Make AOC the face of the Democrat Party.

    They are the Blue State and Blue City center of the Progressive Democrat Party. They are the Socialist future of the Party. Or is it Partei?

  5. Gee. You’d have thought the mob would have at least one of those AR-15s that Florida Rep. Alan Grayson (D) told us about. You know, one that fires 700 rounds a minute.

    1. Hey, I understood that reference 😀

      In all honesty, someone needs to send her some really good weed so she can calm down.

  6. If a person or a group of people is going cause serious harm or kill others then would be victims are certainly in the moral right to protect themselves to the extent of using deadly force to protect themselves. Even morally obligated to protect themselves.

    If a person cannot distinguish between an angry mob of brownshirts burning, looting, and murdering and a little old lady with a walker speaking her mind, or a little kid with a poptart they literally cannot distinguish from a real gun then that person is insane.

    1. The law is corrupt, so the law won’t recognize it as lawful self-defense. The law will punish us for defending ourselves.

      Of course, the law’s going to punish us for that, anyway, so nothing to lose I guess?

  7. Then again, she’s probably not wrong. Imagine having to work with her, and listen to that for days on end.

  8. If your security forces are planning to kill you, it’s highly unlikely they’ll take you to a secure location first. That kind of thing is reserved for the Czar.

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