How about if
a) You aren’t a scientist; or
b) Have no interest in citing scientific consensus on climate change; or
c) Are financed by groups with a proven interest in denying climate science,Then you shouldn’t have a seat at the table w/ people addressing climate change.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 25, 2018
This is a member elect of the United States House of Representatives saying that on perhaps one of the largest economic issues in the country, only people who pass her ideological purity test should be allowed at the decision making table.
There is no room for any view outside the accepted orthodoxy of the DNC Politburo.
If you disagree, expect to feel the boot of Progressive government on your neck, or more immediately, in your wallet.
The party that has been complaining for two years about American not having proper representation because of the Electoral College and the Senate just told half the country to sit down and shut up.
Not a scientist, “just” an engineer. I know more math, physics, and chemistry than Occasional-Cortex, though, and flatly state catastrophic anthropogenic climate change is a farce.
By her own arguments, Occasionally Cortex should just STFD and STFU. Except in the recesses of her young and inexperienced mind, she knows better. After all, Youth and Socialism are the wave of the future, just ask Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Chavez.
Rush was saying today that for the last week in France there have been riots because the president there has enacted a $1.00 a gallon tax to fight climate change in accordance to the paris climate summit that Trump took us out of. Get ready y all cause come January the dumbacrats are gonna start tryin to take back their “crumbs”.
“The party that has been complaining for two years about American not having proper representation because of the Electoral College and the Senate just told half the country to sit down and shut up.”