This is a sequel to Miguel’s post How do you stop the possibility of Filibuster in the House?

Why AOC says she didn’t feel safe around her colleagues during Capitol riot

When angry supporters of President Donald Trump, many armed, stormed the Capitol last Wednesday, the congresswoman said she “had a very close encounter where I thought I was going to die,” though she didn’t detail the incident, citing security reasons.

“All of these thoughts come rushing to you,” she said. “I did not know if I was going to make it to the end of the day — and not just in a general sense but also in a very, very specific sense.”

Some members of Congress huddled in “a secure extraction point,” but Ocasio-Cortez said she didn’t feel safe joining because “QAnon and white supremacist sympathizers, and frankly white supremacist members of Congress in that extraction point, who I know, and who I had felt would disclose my location… who would create opportunities to allow me to be hurt, kidnapped.”

“I didn’t even feel safe around other members of Congress, and to be kind of fending for yourself in that way is traumatizing,” she said.

She is accusing other members of Congress of being white supremacists and saying that they would deliberately allow her be be harmed by the mob.

That is a very serious accusation.

AOC Slams Republicans for Playing Victim While Posting Images With Guns Next to Dems

Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has criticized Republicans in Congress for complaining about the new House metal detectors, noting that at least one Republican has previously posted an image of themselves holding a gun next to Democrats.

“It’s almost as though GOP members promoting videos of themselves illegally carrying firearms on Capitol grounds, posting images of themselves holding guns next to Democratic members, & inciting an attack on the Capitol has consequences! Naturally, GOP are crying & playing victim,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Tuesday.

Not illegally carrying guns.  Members of Congress can carry in the Capitol.  It is a special privilege they enjoy.

Also, if anyone is as expert at playing the victim, it’s AOC.

The Democrats are pissed as shit that they lost seats in the House.

They are going to try and even the score by ejecting House Republicans.

From there they could do a lot while States scramble to hold special elections and fill vacancies.

AOC saying that she’s scared of gun carrying Republicans who were going to hand her over to a mob is something they can use to oust members of Congress .

They are going nuclear.

How did America come apart?  First slowly, then all at once.


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By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “AOC has her own accusations to unseat Republicans”
  1. Won’t be long before( like in china) wrong think gets you banned from public transportation, drivers licenses, air travel etc

  2. Gee, if only the GOP had been told for years and years that something needed to be done about cancel culture and false allegations of racism and violence…

    Sorry, my giveadamn is busted that the crocodile has finally turned on the people who’d hoped to be eaten last.

  3. Just to point out;
    It takes a 2/3rd majority vote to expel a member of the House. In this day of high partisanship, getting to 2/3rds would take eliminating most of the Republican caucus by other means (not that I wouldn’t consider AOC and the other commies in the House capable of that)

    1. Uhhhh have you actually been paying attention to what’s going on?

      Half the republican caucus….maybe more than half….is acting like Trump is a mad king and everyone who supports him should be unpersoned. All the big corporate donors have started pulling funding from anyone who ever said anything about math or statistics and the election.

      They absolutely have the numbers to start expelling people and there’s blood in the water.

      1. Uhhhhh, Yes, I have been paying attention Mr Wizard.
        And there’s a lot of space between ‘acting’ and voting.

          1. So? And they voted to impeach a guy who will be out of office — and thus not subject to the impeachment process — before the Senate can consider taking it up.

    1. For the first time in her life, she’s got a job “Were everybody knows your name.” isn’t just a tune from a TV show.
      She’s on a ego trip.

    1. Curby,

      “…When angry supporters of President Donald Trump, many armed…”

      Pretty much where my mind went. Evidence of said firearms, please? I’ll wait. And wait, and wait…

  4. Some other mentally defective congresscritter claimed that other members had given “reconnaissance tours” the day before the riot. This evening a talking head pointed out that she’s obviously a newly elected member (as well as stupider than a finely diced planarian, though that was not said) for not knowing about “constituent visits”.

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