But we knew that already. It is nice when they get caught hard and heavy, though.

And let us remember the “public health emergency” that keeps her from doing the duties she sworn to do when elected:
I say this I don’t think anybody here will be surprised if it happens: She will be re-elected.
Hey Miggy
AoC and lying IS kinda redundant…..and goes together like peas and carrots.
I honestly don’t expect Ocasio-Cortez to be re-elected. No, that’s not snark or sarcasm… Which I realize is my default mode of speech on this website, so most of you probably assume that my saying I’m *not* being sarcastic is probably *also* sarcasm. But, really, I mean it.
The state of New York will be losing one congressional seat in 2022 as a result of the decennial redistricting. Ocasio-Cortez represents the (current) fourteenth district, which has only existed since 2013. It’s a very small, very young, and very “safe” district for the Democrats (averaging about D+25 in most races in its history). Ocasio-Cortez has the some of least amount of seniority in the state’s congressional delegation, chairs no committees of value, and isn’t terribly well liked by her party’s leadership or influential donors.
I don’t think her district will survive the upcoming redrawing of the map. It will be parceled out amounts the other congressional districts of NYC.
She’ll probably get a cushy job as a “special contributor” for CNN, MSNBC, and/or the broadcast networks. Plus some make-believe sinecure professorship with Harvard or Bryn Mawr.